Extreme heatwave is shifting from Central Europe and Sweden /Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! – mkweather; +36,1°C in Slubice, Poland! Germany +36,9°C and 5 days above +35°C! – mkweather/ slowly northeastward and Finland and Baltic states, such as Belarus and Ukraine are expecting extreme heatwave.
Similarly, in Italy, Balkan and SE Central Europe, the hottest days are coming /Hell is coming! Catenanuova, Italy: +45,1°C, Palermo +43,5°C – only 0,5°C below 2007 heatwave, the hottest will be on Wednesday and Thursday, close to +50°C! – mkweather; +52,4°C in Algeria! The first official European +50°C is possible! – mkweather; So hot has never been in June: +39°C in Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia or Serbia already on Thursday, 24.6.? – mkweather/ and temperatures close to +50°C are for southern Europe on Wednesday and Thursday, 23.-24. June, forecasted.
Meanwhile, some numerical forecast models for Finland and Baltic states are expecting abnormally hot temperatures (not only for June, but for summer), with returned values for Tuesday, 22. June 2021 up to +36°C in Finland and +37°C in Estonia!
All-time national record for countries are only +37,2°C (Finland, 2010) and +35,8°C (Estonia, 1992), therefore, region will in next hours face to unprecedented June heatwave, with probable June and maybe all-time national records.
Extreme temperatures are forecasted for the region minimally until Wednesday, 23. June 2021, while tropical days should appear later, yet.
Extremely hot air will gradually shift into Belarus and Ukraine until the end of current week and eastern Ukraine and Russia will be suffering extreme heatwave early next week, too.
Definitive coldwave, without a possibility of tropical days is forecasted for Scandinavia only in early July 2021, but it should be shorter and heatwaves should in July 2021 return relatively quickly.
On Monday, +32,1°C was measured in Finland in Heinola Plaani /Vuoden korkein lämpötila mitattu tänään Heinolassa ja Parikkalassa – MTVuutiset.fi/; +34,4°C in Estonia (Kaapa) / 1,2°C from national record (!!!) /Max/min temperature |Estonian Weather Service (ilmateenistus.ee)/, in Latvia +33,3°C in Pavilosta and +33,3°C in Klapeida, Lithuania was measured.
Zitkovici in Belarus reported +32,8°C and Izium, Ukraine +32,8°C, so far, but temperatures around +36/+37°C are only expected during next days. From Ustka, Poland, +34,4°C is reported (after Sunday´s +36,1°C in Slubice).
It appears, that not only Mediterranean and continental, but too the coldest parts of Europe are experiencing with extremely hot summer weather, therefore watch current news, warnings, advisories and forecasts, because after extreme heat, devastating storms are coming /10 cm hailstorms are shifting to Germany, CZ, CH, AU, DK, SE and N IT from France, PT, ES, BE, NL, LU! – mkweather; Belgium hit EF2 tornado with a twin: 17 injured, 92 buildings damaged – mkweather; 10 cm hails, 140 km/h winds, 10 tornadoes and 7 day forecast: Balance of weekend storms in Europe – mkweather/.