The next extremely cold morning in a short Arctic blast in Europe brought on Sunday, 13. February 2022 almost -20,0°C in Austria and in Scandinavia, temperatures dropped below -35,0°C.
Only on Saturday, we informed about severe frosts up to -24,8°C in Switzerland and -18,0°C in Czechia /https://mkweather.com/frosts-are-back-amburnex-combe-switzerland-248c-rokytska-slat-czechia-180c//.
Continental winter (Winter 2021/2022) record for Europe is however much lower, and from higher elevated areas, -47,5°C from the Italian Alps /https://mkweather.com/475c-the-coldest-temperature-of-winter-2021-2022-in-europe-fopa-medesc-2395-masl-italy//.
On Sunday, 13. February 2022, the coldest in Central Europe within stations in the International Exchange Site was Randstadt, Austria, 836 MASL, -19,7°C (still 65 cm snowfall after a severe blizzard in the Alps, although only the Austrian Alps received in early February 2022 significant amounts of snow /https://mkweather.com/the-snow-covered-area-of-the-alps-is-currently-the-3rd-lowest-on-record-since-2001-mainly-south-and-west-despite-its-blizzard-with-2-meters-in-austria//.
Even colder was in Scandinavian countries – Sweden reported -35,5°C in Naimakka and Norway -35,2°C in Kaukoteino.
All-time records for this season are however for the cities even around 10°C lower.
Already in a few days, Europe hits “a winter heatwave”, with temperatures up to +22°C in continental parts of Europe and +30°C in Western European Mediterranean /https://mkweather.com/europe-hits-a-winter-heatwave-temperatures-already-next-week-in-the-mediterranean-up-to-30c-in-balkan-27c-in-continental-europe-22c-and-in-british-islands-20c//.
Extremely warm weather is predicted to continue minimally until 20. March 2022, so far and late-season frosts are possible in late March or April 2022, only /https://mkweather.com/extremely-warm-and-sunny-spring-minimally-until-20-march-2022-late-season-frosts-or-snow-should-come-at-the-end-of-march-and-in-april-2022/; https://mkweather.com/will-bring-early-april-2022-extreme-frosts-in-europe-and-damage-to-harvest-there-are-the-first-signals//.
So strong coldwaves such as around the weekend 12.-13. February 2022 are not forecast to hit Europe in this season, so far and for frosts below -20°C in continental parts we will be probably waiting until the next winter season (Winter 2022/2023).

Illustration picture: https://www.nordicvisitor.com/blog/best-time-place-see-northern-lights-sweden/