Already in the last article, we were informed about the lowest measured temperature in Winter 2021/2022 in continental Europe / European mid-latitudes, so far, -24,9°C in Czarny Dunajec, Poland, so far /https://mkweather.com/the-lowest-temperature-of-the-winter-2021-2022-in-europe-in-poland-czarny-dunajec-249c-so-far-mid-latitudes-below-1000-masl//.
On 26. December 2021, we had on the page a big weather watch from both countries: /https://mkweather.com/a-big-weather-watch-poprad-slovakia-at-1700-26-12-198c-below-25c-is-possible-the-lowest-temperature-in-european-mid-latitudes-in-winter-2021-2022-in-the-next-hours-are-expected/; https://mkweather.com/a-big-weather-watch-jablonka-orawa-poland-204c-at-1800-26-12-will-25c-be-broken/; https://mkweather.com/poland-again-almost-20c-the-next-night-should-bring-25c/; https://mkweather.com/slovakia-with-the-next-night-below-20c-podolinec-205c-poprad-203c//.
On the other side of border Poland with Slovakia – in Podolínec, the minimum temperature decreased to only -23,3°C on 27. December 2021, which is the lowest temperature of the Winter 2021/2022 in the country, so far, but until a mentioned European record from Poland, 1,6°C was missing.
Červený Kláštor reported -22,4°C and Plaveč -21,8°C according to public data from SHMU.
In Slovakian basins and valleys, extremely cold Arctic days, with the maximum temperature around -10/-12°C appeared on 26.-27. December 2021.
In the last days, before Christmas, -33,3°C was measured in Switzerland, but in 1200 MASL and not a very densely populated region of Jura Alps /https://mkweather.com/amburnex-combe-switzerland-333c-the-strongest-frosts-of-winter-2021-2022-in-continental-europe-so-far//.
In Serbia, in the similar elevation, -23,8°C was before the Christmas measured /https://mkweather.com/karajukica-bunari-serbia-238c-balkan-eastern-europe-and-the-baltic-regions-with-15-20c-the-next-mornings-will-be-colder//.
During an early December 2021 coldwaves, the lowest temperature was measured in southeastern France, -22,0°C /https://mkweather.com/220c-in-pontets-france//.
January 2022 is forecast to be relatively colder, yet, with some cold blasts (-23,3°C from Podolínec should be broken), but in February and March, a warm and dry NAO+ pattern is predicted, so far.