After a new all-time temperature record for European Russia for May, +39,7°C /https://mkweather.com/heatwaves-in-russia-have-become-crazy-397c-never-measured-before-in-spring//, there is coming the next extreme report from Russia.
In Kulunda, +39,1°C was on Wednesday, 26. May 2021 measured, what is the hottest temperature in Siberia (Asian European Russia) in May in all-time history.
Extreme temperatures hit northern region of Russia, too, Yekaterinburg reported before a few days +34,7°C or Novyj Ushtogan in Kazakhstan +40,5°C.
Interesting are too May 2021 temperatures behind Polar Circle in European Russia, with exceeding tropical +31,9°C or +32,1°C measured in Arkhangelsk.
Even hotter was in last days in tropical climate zone in Asia – the first time in 2021, +50,0°C was measured in Jocobabad, Pakistan. Extreme heatwave is after cyclones Tauktae and Yass spreading from the west into India, too /https://mkweather.com/india-pakistan-hit-the-strongest-cyclone-since-1998-tauktae-208-killed-and-missing-the-next-deadly-cyclone-yass-is-forecasted/; https://mkweather.com/cyclone-yass-in-india-and-bangladesh-97w-invest-near-vietnam-71-rivers-in-china-with-floods-441c-in-southern-china-and-407c-in-philippines-asia//.
In Bada Dafas, United Arab Emirates, +49,7°C, what is only 0,5°C below all-time May record for the country, in Qatar, +48,1°C was measured. In Taif, Saudi Arabia, however, hailstorm and severe floods have occurred.
Tropical air masses in Middle East are very strongly developed in 2021 and persisting blocking situation above Europe and European Russia is creating good conditions for advections of this extremely hot tropical air above Central Asia, Caucasus and Russia, including Arctic region.
However, in June 2021 for a time, western Europe should be warmer than eastern parts of the continent according to ECMWF /https://mkweather.com/first-half-of-june-2021-brings-summer-weather-tropical-days-are-however-shifting-after-8-june//, therefore, situation in European Russia should become calmer, while in Siberia, extreme heatwaves, drought and wildfires should continue in next month.
Short tropical heatwave for France, Germany and Benelux is around Friday, 4. June 2021 already possible /https://mkweather.com/30c-in-benelux-germany-and-france-and-then-severe-storms-already-around-friday//.