Only in the last articles, we have informed about -40°C frosts in Kurdistan /https://mkweather.com/extreme-frosts-hit-kurdistan-397c-in-turkey-and-274c-in-iran-gaziantep-with-05-meters-of-snow-3000-vehicles-stuck-in-a-blizzard// and severe frosts, which hit parts of the Middle East (Damascus, Syria -8,0°C, Turaif, Saudi Arabia -6,0°C, Kirkuk, Iraq -4,7°C, Nekhel Egypt -4,5°C: https://mkweather.com/extreme-frosts-hit-the-middle-east-damascus-syria-80c-turaif-saudi-arabia-60c-kirkuk-iraq-47c-nekhel-egypt-45c/).
The next reports from the Middle East are saying about deadly snowstorms in the region in the last days, with minimally 4 fatalities in refugee camps in Syria and Lebanon, including 3 children.
The worst situation was according to news in a refugee camp in Afrin, where “a widespread suffering” from blizzard and severe frosts in poor shelters was reported.
They died in their sleep after inhaling toxic fumes from burning coal to try to keep warm amid very cold weather.
Blizzard was moreover accompanied by severe wind gusts around 80 km/h.
Olive groves in Lebanon in lower altitudes were covered by snow.
Meanwhile, severe floods hit central Israel, with widespread damages.
In Jordan in the south, temperatures up to -6°C appeared in lower elevated regions and occasionally, snowfall appeared.
According to current forecasts, very cold weather will stay in the region minimally until the end of Winter 2021/2022 /https://mkweather.com/6-week-ecmwf-forecast-for-europe-until-7-march-2022-early-spring-is-coming//.
We should say, that the current winter in the region will be relatively cold, with many snowfall and frosts events, lasting since 15. December 2021 until early March 2022 (according to predictions).
NAO+ in February and March 2022 brings early-spring weather mainly into Europe and above the Middle East, extremely warm air masses will shift with more than 1 month-lasting lag /https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-is-confirming-nao-spring-should-come-to-europe-already-in-a-few-weeks//.
Refugees in the region therefore will be furthermore in a big danger and very unhappy conditions. The situation is forecast to make better in the second half of March 2022 and the next Spring 2022 months, before a very hot summer.

Source: The Tripolitan Twitter