Already in the last article, we have found, when Winter 2021/2022 until the end of January 2022 should be in the wider European region peaking in several periods /https://mkweather.com/the-long-term-forecast-for-europe-until-30-january-2022//.
Now, we should look at the snow forecast until 30. January 2022, with a focus on peak periods with possible blizzard conditions in the wider European area.
In southern regions, such as the Mediterranean, North Africa, and the Middle East, winter conditions are well detected from rainfall and storm activity.
Absolute peaks of snowfall activity in the European region are expected around 25. December 2021, 29. December – 6. January 2021-2022 and 16.-30. January 2022.
Mainly peaks around 31. December (Sylvester 2021) and 24.-25. January 2022 should be very powerful, with many regions with blizzard conditions or at least snowfall or mixed precipitation.
Between 7.-15. January 2021 will be Europe probably drier, firstly colder, than warmer (link above).
While the pattern above is valid for mid-latitudes, in subtropical and oceanic regions, an absolute peak of snowfall activity is forecasted between 17.-28. January 2022.
Rainfall in tropical and southern subtropical latitudes is forecasted mainly between 23.-30. December 2021 and 12.-26. January 2022.
The warm period without the snow should be peaking around 13. January 2022.
Extreme Siberian blasts around Christmas and New Year 2021-2022 are a subject of our investigation in previous articles /https://mkweather.com/40-45c-frosts-in-scandinavia-after-christmas/; https://mkweather.com/20c-in-england-and-benelux-around-sylvester-31-12-2021/; https://mkweather.com/chances-for-30c-around-sylvester-2021-31-12-in-central-europe-are-still-alive/; https://mkweather.com/italy-and-balkan-with-siberian-frosts-20-25c-on-new-year-turkey-30c-around-christmas//.
For now, it appears, that blizzards are very possible in Europe after Christmas 2021 and around New Year 2022 /https://mkweather.com/strange-and-suspiciously-extreme-blizzard-on-gfs-outputs-for-parts-of-europe/; update: new outputs count with severe blizzard, too/.
If you live in European region, will be prepared for the possible peak of Winter 2021/2022 and anomalously cold and snowy conditions around Sylvester 2021 and in early January 2022.

Source: https://www.gismeteo.com/weather-dubai-5529/month/