Already in the last days, Greenland hit very probably the strongest early frosts in all-time history, when in Summit Camp, central Greenland, only -55,6°C on 7. November was measured /https://mkweather.com/summit-camp-greenland-556c-possibly-never-has-been-so-extremely-cold-so-early-in-the-season//.
Very cold Arctic in 2021 should be linked with a 26% greater Arctic Sea Extent such as the last year, and one of the 3 largest Arctic Sea Ice areas in the last 15 years /https://mkweather.com/arctic-sea-ice-extent-26-greater-than-last-year-12th-lowest-on-record-and-the-largest-since-2014//.
Extremely cold air masses are developing above the area, and already in the next period, they are prepared to come directly above Europe!
Before an extreme winter, we have warned on our homepage since late October 2021 /check https://mkweather.com//, but now, anomalous outputs are confirming several days in a row and it appears, that it should be historic late-November winter!
In the series of the next 6 articles we will look at outputs for 6 European regions: 1.) France; 2.) Spain and Portugal; 3. Germany and Alpine region; 4.) Poland and Carpathian region; 5. British Islands and 6. Scandinavia.
In France, extreme frosts up to -25°C in frost basins and valleys are possible. Very interesting will be watching a decline of temperatures at the station of La Brevine at 1042 MASL in the Alps, on the border with Switzerland, where are traditionally measured one of the coldest temperatures in the country.
In Spain, mainly in Pyrenees region and in frosts basins and valleys in northern parts of the country, -20°C should be measured according to current estimates, while Portugal should surprise with temperatures below -5°C in northern parts.
Germany and the Alpine region appear to fully sink into the Arctic, later Siberian air, with minimum temperatures in frost basins and valleys up to -25°C, maybe very rarely lower!
Extremely cold will be in Poland and Carpathian region too, in basins and valleys up to -25°C, Czechian famous frost valleys should reach extreme -30°C if conditions will be really good (lot of snow, very dry air,…).
In the British Islands, extreme winter from Greenland and the Arctic is very probable, too. In Scotland, temperatures up to -20°C should surprise, while England should report up to -12°C. Frosts around -8°C should surprise Ireland, too.
The coldest will be Scandinavia, with extreme and life-threatening frosts up to -40°C! These temperatures are at the level of the coldest temperatures measured in Europe in the month of November, excluding northern Ural, Russia. The most hit should be Norway – northern and southern parts, both, and northern Sweden.
A reason of a possible historic and very early coldwave in Europe we should find in the upcoming negative AO phase /https://mkweather.com/be-prepared-for-an-extremely-long-and-strong-coldwave-arctic-blasts-in-europe-between-10-november-15-december-are-expected//.
In Germany, the biggest probability of extreme frosts is in Bavaria, but minimum temperatures should fall into the interval -20/-25°C in central parts of the country, too.
In the Alpine frost basins and valleys, up to -25°C should appear, too, in higher elevations, temperatures below -30°C and windchill (real-feel temperatures) below -40°C should appear.
Extreme frosts -10/-15°C should hit areas including the biggest metropolitan areas in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria.
In mountainous frost valleys above 1000 MASL in Italy, Austria or Switzerland, up to -40°C is very rarely possible thanks to microclimate, in densely populated villages and cities below 1000 MASL it will be “only” up to -25°C.
Ice days should appear almost in all regions, while very rare Arctic days are occasionally in basins and valleys, with foggy or cloudy and snowy weather, possible.
In Czechian famous frost basins and valleys, up to -30°C will be possible.
Severe frosts below -10°C are possible in continental parts of Denmark, too.
Extreme frosts very probably will pass the Alps and hit parts of Italy, too.
Severe frosts should cause life-threatening conditions such as hypothermia, heart attack, viruses, or indirect traffic accidents, therefore stay safe, warm, and informed – Mkweather will be bringing updates of forecasted extreme winter conditions, furthermore.

Source: wxcharts.com