Only in the last articles, we were informed about extreme frosts in Grenoble, southern France, 384 MASL, where the lowest November temperatures possibly minimally in the last 50 years were measured /https://mkweather.com/grenoble-france-384-masl-100c-the-coldest-temperatures-in-the-region-minimally-in-the-last-50-years//, and we looked at extreme snowfall in Switzerland (50 cm in 800 MASL), Austria ( 40 cm in 700 MASL) and continental Europe /https://mkweather.com/linthal-switzerland-800-masl-with-05-meters-of-snow-koetzchach-austria-40-cm-next-3-days-will-come-the-next-snowfall/; https://mkweather.com/europe-hit-severe-snowstorm-10-30-rarely-up-to-50-cm-of-snow-is-reported-from-eastern-france-central-europe-baltic-region-and-balkan//.
Now, we will return to southeastern, Alpine France, where thanks to deep snow cover, in elevations below 1000 MASL, almost -20°C was measured!
In the village Combe de l’Oscence, 975 MASL, -19,6°C was on 30. November 2021 reported, in Lans en Vercors-Les Bruyères, 1008 MASL, -19,4°C and in Méaudre (base of village above 940 MASL), -19,2°C was measured!
It´s the lowest temperatures below 1000 MASL in continental Europe in the beginning winter season, so far, but after a movement of blizzard from Central Europe eastward, frosts -20/-25°C, maybe very rarely up to -30°C, should appear in central-European frost valleys, until cca 10. December 2021.
According to the newest materials, the warmer period will come to Europe only between 10.-15. December and after 15. December, the next coldwaves and blizzards will be possible.
All is developing in agreement with Mkweather Winter 2021/2022 forecasts (materials with many links here: https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-northern-hemisphere/).
NAO index is anomalously low /https://mkweather.com/nao-index-falls-to-2-0-the-lowest-value-since-legendary-35c-frosts-in-europe-in-january-february-2021-or-206c-in-april-2021// and outlooks still extremely cold /https://mkweather.com/long-term-forecast-until-2-january-2022-extreme-arctic-winter-in-europe-until-new-year//.
Already in the next article, we will bring information about extreme temperatures up to -15°C in lower situated regions in northern Italy.

Nuit glaciale dans le Centre-Est, les températures ont chuté grâce à un fort rayonnement nocturne. On a titillé les -20°C dans les TAF du Vercors ! ❄
— Ayatti.M 🌍 (@AyattiFr) November 30, 2021
-19.6°C Combe de l'Oscence
-19.4°C Lans en Vercors-Les Bruyères.
-19.2°C Méaudre ⬇️ pic.twitter.com/IVaorlKm1s