Parts of continental Europe hit in the last hours severe blizzard and in Turkey, temperatures before a few days dropped to almost -40°C /https://mkweather.com/extreme-frosts-hit-kurdistan-397c-in-turkey-and-274c-in-iran-gaziantep-with-05-meters-of-snow-3000-vehicles-stuck-in-a-blizzard//.
Simultaneously, extremely warm outlooks for February 2022 (in selected European regions) and March 2022 (all Europe), with NAO+, were in the last period still confirming /https://mkweather.com/6-week-ecmwf-forecast-for-europe-until-7-march-2022-early-spring-is-coming/; https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-is-confirming-nao-spring-should-come-to-europe-already-in-a-few-weeks/; https://mkweather.com/early-spring-conditions-nao-in-europe-in-february-and-march-2022-is-still-confirming-mainly-for-western-northern-and-central-parts-se-sector-will-stay-cold//.
For early-spring weather, we will be probably waiting until the second or third February 2022 week, because the GFS model sees still very cold conditions above parts of Europe in early February 2022.
After a current peak, with possible minimum temperatures up to -25°C in mid-latitudes, severe frosts should I the first February week return, with similar temperatures and surprisingly a possible snowfall in parts of Western, Southwestern Europe and the British Islands.
Balkan, Turkey, and the Middle East will be almost permanently cold, with blizzards or severe frosts, in eastern parts of the region probably until the end of February 2022 /https://mkweather.com/syria-lebanon-several-children-dead-in-refugee-camps-after-a-snowstorm-israel-with-severe-floods//.
Western Mediterranean, westernmost Europe, and the British Islands will be mostly very dry, while continental Europe and Eastern Mediterranean should receive significant amounts of snow (or rain).
Severe blizzards are possible mainly in the Baltic region and Finland.
Above East-Central Europe and Balkan will shift already in the next days extremely cold air mass with below -15°C in 850 hPa, which should mean a peak of Winter 2021/2022 in many countries.
The second peak is possible after 5. February 2022, so far.
Relatively warmer should be in the western and northern half of Europe a period 26. January – 4. February 2022, but in the southeastern sector of the continent, Turkey, and the Middle East, winter conditions will persist.
If you were prepared for early spring, wait minimally 2-3 weeks, yet and don´t put away warm clothes, because it appears, that Winter 2021/2022 hasn´t said the last word, yet.

Illustration picture. Sources: wetterzentrale.de, wxcharts.com, tropicaltidbits.com

Source: wetterzentrale.de

Source: wxcharts.com

Source: tropicaltidbits.com