The highest temperatures in populated parts of California (+50,6°C / 123°F in Palm Spring) in history and anomalous +54,0°C / 130°F in Death Valley were only the beginning of the all story /Deadly heatwave in California! Death Valley +54°C / 130°F, Palm Springs (populated area) +50,6°C / 123°F – all-time records! – mkweather/.
Abnormally hot air gradually hits western Canada, mainly British Columbia province, with possible maximum temperatures up to historic +47°C / 117°F!
All-time Canadian record has value only +45,0°C (Yellow Grass and Midale. Saskatchewan, 1937).
Abnormal heatwaves in Europe therefore aren´t only one extreme heat event in Northern Hemisphere during these days /Hell is coming! Catenanuova, Italy: +45,1°C, Palermo +43,5°C – only 0,5°C below 2007 heatwave, the hottest will be on Wednesday and Thursday, close to +50°C! – mkweather; +52,4°C in Algeria! The first official European +50°C is possible! – mkweather; Sirocco for Central Europe? Hungary should attack +40°C on Thursday! – mkweather; Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! – mkweather; +36,1°C in Slubice, Poland! Germany +36,9°C and 5 days above +35°C! – mkweather; All-time national record for Greece? GFS sees a historical heatwave early next week! – mkweather; Finland is expecting +36°C, Estonia +37°C on Tuesday, all-time national records have values +37,2°C and +35,6°C – mkweather/.
Possibly the hottest times in record are forecasted for Vancouver region around Monday – Tuesday, 28.-29. June.
Only shortly before this unprecedented event, rare summer snowfall hit these days region of Hudson Bay, Ontario and Quebec.
Severe coldwave hit too large parts of the USA (central and eastern USA) already and cold front of the front side of cold air mass brought devastating tornado in Chicago /the next Mkweather article/.
Continent is therefore divided into extremely hot West and extremely cold East.
Similar differences appeared across Europe, when Italy and Greece, but too Finland or Estonia (southern and eastern half of Europe) will be attacking all-time temperature records, while Scotland or even England report unusual summer frosts /one of the next Mkweather articles/.