Abnormal heat domes hit Northern Hemisphere in full power!
While in Europe, the historic heatwave has left many temperature records /see our homepage or Archive for June 2021/ and there appeared the deadliest tornado in 20 years /TORNADO 1; TORNADO 2; TORNADO3/, forecasts for Canada and Pacific coast in the USA have been confirmed /CANADA +47°C 1; CANADA2/ and Canada already reports a new all-time national temperature record!
On Sunday, 27. June 2021, in Lytton, British Columbia, the maximum temperature reached anomalous +46,6°C, and the old, 84-year record +45,0°C from Saskatchewan was broken.
Extreme circulation pattern has created after the extreme heatwave in NW Mexico, California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, and Montana /https://mkweather.com/deadly-heatwave-in-california-death-valley-54c-130f-palm-springs-populated-area-506c-123f-all-time-records/; https://mkweather.com/514c-in-mexicali-june-record-and-440-mm-48-h-in-oaxaca-from-tropical-storm-dolores-mexico/; https://mkweather.com/us-drought-is-the-worst-in-1200-years-phoenix-118f-las-vegas-117f-47-48c/; https://mkweather.com/historic-heatwaves-in-the-usa-and-canada-the-coldest-us-state-422c-108f-june-2021// thanks to the so-called “omega block”.
Omega block is a very persistent planetary wave pattern – and in this case, it should persist above the region for almost 1 month, because the anomalous southward flow is reported from western USA and Canada already since the second pentad of June 2021 and subtropical ridge will be here until the second pentad of July 2021.
All tropical air, which should persist over the desert area (tropical climate zone) has been shifted anomalously northward – even in Northwestern Territories, one of the coldest provinces of Canada, +38,1°C in Yohin Lake, was measured.
From Vancouver Island, extreme +41,0°C was reported and record temperatures were measured in Washington state and Oregon, too.
In Washington state, 115°F /+46°C in Pasco / Tri-Cities and in Oregon, 114°C / +45,5°C in Hermiston, was on 27. June 2021, measured, what is new all-time June records. However, in Seattle and Portland, all-time records were forecasted /information will be updated/.
Extreme heatwave should be in fact across the region extremely deadly – people are not used to so high temperatures and there are reported many collapses and health problems.
Moreover, the deadly heatwave is forecasted to persist above the region minimally until 6-7. July 2021, therefore exhaustion from anomalous heat should be only worsened, yet.
If you live in the region, we recommend you follow a drinking regime and not expose to the sun for a long time yourself. Advice is with emphasis to older people and children.
Watch current warnings, advisories, forecasts, and news, Mkweather will furthermore be bringing the newest information.

Sources: Tweets below

Source: wxcharts.com