Dobšinská Ľadová Jaskyňa, Slovakia, -18,0°C, St. Michael Im Lungau, Austria. -16,8°C!

The coldest place in continental Europe on Saturday, 4. December 2021 in Slovakia!
Although, -20,0°C hasn´t been in the wider Central European region reached, central Slovakia surprised with very cold -18,0°C. It is a station situated below 1000 MASL.
This temperature was measured in Dobšinská Ľadová Jaskyňa, in Gemer region, translated to English as “Dobšinská Ice Cave” /illustration picture from the cave below/.
Only during the last week, 50-year frosts up to -37,5°C hit Scandinavia /, -22,0°C appeared in France, 1005 MASL /, -19,6°C in France, 975 MASL /, 50-year frosts in Grenoble, France (-10,0°C:, severe frosts in Italy / – only -15°C in 800 MASL /, -18,0°C in Switzerland around 1000 MASL /, or -17,8°C in Estonia / Folldall – Fredheim in southern Norway in the last hours fell around -30°C /update/.
Anomalously cold air from the Alps at the weekend has shifted above the Carpathians, with the mentioned minimum -18,0°C in Slovakia.
Interesting was temeprature in St. Michael Im Lungau, Austria, 1094 MASL, -16,8°C /
From available stations, -15,8°C was measured in Voru, Estonia, -13,6°C in Telgárt, Slovakia, -13,1°C in Ainazi, Latvia, -12,1°C in Mihálygergén, Hungary / or -11,7°C in Zakopane, Poland / In frost basins and valleys in the Carpathians, should be temperatures around 5°C lower.
The next severe frosts are forecasted in Central Europe, Balkan, Eastern Europe, and Baltic region already between 7.-18. December / after severe blizzards in some regions, including densely populated lowlands with metropolitan and capital cities.
Winter conditions should persist until New Year 2022 /

Illustration picture: