Already in the last article, we have announced, that early February 2022 will bring the next round of severe frosts /https://mkweather.com/a-big-forecast-for-europe-early-february-2022-still-with-severe-frosts-for-early-spring-weather-we-should-be-waiting//.
For expected early-spring conditions in February and March 2022 therefore we will be several weeks waiting, yet /https://mkweather.com/6-week-ecmwf-forecast-for-europe-until-7-march-2022-early-spring-is-coming/; https://mkweather.com/ecmwf-is-confirming-nao-spring-should-come-to-europe-already-in-a-few-weeks/; https://mkweather.com/early-spring-conditions-nao-in-europe-in-february-and-march-2022-is-still-confirming-mainly-for-western-northern-and-central-parts-se-sector-will-stay-cold//.
According to the newest predictions, 2 peaks of extremely cold weather around 4. and 8. February will be possible, with expected frosts up to -25°C in frosts valleys in East-Central Europe and Balkan and similar temperatures in Eastern Europe.
Turkey and the Middle East will stay in extremely cold conditions, too /https://mkweather.com/extreme-frosts-hit-kurdistan-397c-in-turkey-and-274c-in-iran-gaziantep-with-05-meters-of-snow-3000-vehicles-stuck-in-a-blizzard/; https://mkweather.com/300c-in-iraq-children-in-refugee-camps-are-crying-from-extreme-winter//.
While western parts of Europe and temporarily Scandinavia should be really soon happy from very warm, early-spring weather, into eastern parts of the continent, spring will come only a few weeks later, to Turkey and the Middle East only in March 2022.
Winter conditions in continental Europe therefore in Winter 2021/2022 were lasting relatively long, between 20. November – 25. December and then between 10. January to approximately 10. February 2022, with a longer break around 25. December 2021 – 10. January 2022.
Above Central, Eastern Europe, and Balkan should again shift air masses with temperatures in 850 hPa -10/-15°C, and regional blizzards will be still possible (mainly mountainous regions).
Therefore stay safe and warm and watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.

Illustration picture: wetterzentrale.de, wxcharts.com, tropicaltidbits.com

Source: wetterzentrale.de

Source: wxcharts.com

Source: tropicaltidbits.com