Winter 2021/2022 peaks have arrived very early, with many temperature and snowfall records across Northern Hemisphere.
After extreme blizzard news from Austria, Slovakia, and Slovenia /https://mkweather.com/1-meter-of-snow-around-1000-masl-40-cm-in-lowlands-the-worst-blizzard-in-austria-since-the-legendary-winter-2012/; https://mkweather.com/ratece-slovenia-86-cm-snowfall/; https://mkweather.com/bratislavas-metropolitan-area-with-up-to-30-cm-snowfall-the-worst-blizzard-since-2013// we will shift into Bavaria, Germany, with the next heavy snowfall records from Friday, 10. December 2021.
While in Austrian and Slovenian Alps, almost 1 meter of snow is reported from elevations only around 1000 MASL, and in Austrian and Slovakian lowlands, 20-40 cm snowfall has appeared, Alpine windy slopes in the northern Alps, Germany received almost 0,5 meters of snow from the blizzard event.
The highest snowfall is reported from Oberstdorf, 810 MASL, where 48 cm was reported on Friday.
Kempten, 705 MASL reports 27 cm, Hohenpeissenberg, 977 MASL, 20 cm, Wasserkuppe, 921 MASL, 19 cm.
Feldberg, Schwarzwald, near Danubian strand, 1486 MASL reports 103 cm snowfall.
On snowfall, temperatures are falling very quickly and Oberstdorf already on Friday, morning reported -15,4°C.
The next severe snowfall is reported from Pyrenees, France, and Spain, too /will be updated soon: https://mkweather.com/record-snow-in-pyrenees-france-spain-the-next-blizzards-are-only-coming//.
Only before a short time have appeared the strongest early frosts in the Siberian coldest region in all-time history (-61,1°C – updated value) /https://mkweather.com/historical-times-for-siberia-610c-has-never-been-measured-so-early//.
In Canadian Arctic, frosts up to -46,0°C have appeared, so far – in many regions, it´s the strongest earliest frosts since 2004 /https://mkweather.com/eureka-431c-the-lowest-temperatures-in-canadian-arctic-in-early-winter-since-2004/; https://mkweather.com/canada-460c-daily-records-in-yukon-were-broken//.
In Europe, the strongest early frosts since 1945 have surprised Sweden (-43,8°C) /https://mkweather.com/the-strongest-early-frosts-in-the-baltic-region-in-62-years-since-1959-tartu-estonia-276c-zoseni-latvia-264c//, the strongest early frosts since 1959 Estonia (-27,6°C) /https://mkweather.com/the-strongest-early-frosts-in-the-baltic-region-in-62-years-since-1959-tartu-estonia-276c-zoseni-latvia-264c// and in valleys in continental Europe was measured -22,0°C so far /https://mkweather.com/220c-in-pontets-france//.
Snowfall even appeared in Ain Sefra, Sahara desert, Algeria /https://mkweather.com/collapse-of-atmospheric-circulation-snowing-in-ain-sefra-sahara-algeria//.
All after anomalously cold Arctic, with the 2nd highest Arctic Sea Ice Extent in the last 15 years /https://mkweather.com/arctic-sea-ice-extent-is-the-2nd-highest-in-15-years/; https://mkweather.com/20-vessels-stuck-and-ice-locked-in-northern-sea-route-the-arctic//.
Therefore, stay safe and warm and will be prepared for the next manifestations of severe winter.

So gehört sich das im Winter an den Alpen. Frischer Schnee und Aufklaren dann rauschen die Temperaturen in den Keller. In einigen Tälern aktuell strenger Frost von unter -15 Grad. Der Funtensee kann bei richtiger Luftmasse aber noch deutlich mehr;-). /LDhttps://t.co/JGQjAjnOaT
— Kachelmannwetter (@Kachelmannwettr) December 10, 2021
Ja ja, meterhoch türmte sich der #Schnee in den Mittelgebirgen und an den Alpen zu Weihnachten 1981.
— Kachelmannwetter (@Kachelmannwettr) December 8, 2021
Mehr gibt es auch in unserem großen Weihnachtswetter-Rückblick seit 1950:https://t.co/NHE8Dvc8f1 /FRhttps://t.co/epG1nsaakN
I am amazed by the beauty #wallberg #tegernsee #bayern #bavaria #Deutschland #Germany #Schnee #winter pic.twitter.com/Oi613SYIiz
— mf2012mf (@mf2012mf) December 9, 2021
☃️I'm singing in the snow ❄️ #singingintherain #singinginthesnow #snow #schnee #isny #überruh #xiaomi #pocox3 #biberman2003 #bolheim #herbrechtingen #heidenheim #giengen #aalen #ulm #stuttgart #muenchen #münchen #munich #love #germany #deutschland #instagood #photooftheday pic.twitter.com/z8xzdEWm6I
— König von Bolheim (@biberman2003) December 6, 2021
Der Freitag beginnt an den Alpen, wo es über Schnee aufgeklart hat knackig kalt mit Temperaturen von unter -10 Grad. Im großen Nordwesten ist es dagegen frostfrei. (Zum Ablesen in die Länder) /LDhttps://t.co/qJWWAvkt4s
— Kachelmannwetter (@Kachelmannwettr) December 10, 2021
In einigen Regionen ist der Winter ❄️ bereits eingezogen. Besonders in den Alpen und im Alpenvorland liegt schon viel Schnee.
— wetteronline.de (@WetterOnline) December 10, 2021
Weitere Schneebilder 🌨️ gibt es in der aktuellen Fotostrecke:https://t.co/YVHGA82GYE
Have a blessed Tuesday morning and enjoy the rest of your day 🌸🌺💕😃
— blossoms (@BlossomsMabel) December 7, 2021
Winter street with snow in Stuttgart, Germany 🇩🇪
📷 Christian Lue pic.twitter.com/VYj6Ze4DfO
Snow in germany be like: pic.twitter.com/to26QjoMYr
— Luciana (@Eevee2727) December 9, 2021
omg all overnight 😲 #snow #Germany pic.twitter.com/ynVhf840ds
— yasmin 🍷📚🥀🧣 (@_fandomtrash_) December 9, 2021
A blackbird picks a rosehip from a snow-covered shrub in Dresden, Germany pic.twitter.com/xz9JH5i2ie
— A Beautiful Culture (@ABeautifulCult1) December 10, 2021
Snow 😍 #Germany #SCHNEE #SNOW pic.twitter.com/8PJrQialwn
— ALINA _ VERA (@Alina_Vera90) December 3, 2021