Parts of South America are still under attacks of severe storms which were thanks to La Nina predicted to come during all Summer 2021-2022 and are still expected in Autumn and Winter 2022, only in more northern regions.
The most catastrophic floods and landslides hit in the last period the city of Petropolis, only a few kilometers from Rio de Janeiro.
In a very short time, fell enormous amounts of water (260 mm / 24 hours).
According to the latest estimates, 204 people are dead and the next 51 still missing after 10 days of rescue efforts.
Only 24 people have been rescued, so far and 811 are without homes.
An event is only one of many, which have appeared in central and northern South America since the start of the year 2022 (e.g.;
The next floods in the last days appeared in Rondônia, Brazil, Umuarama, Brazil, Narino, Colombia or Tarija region, Bolivia, with additional fatalities and missing.
From the videos below is evident, that floods came as typical flash floods immediately and people hadn´t time to escape.
Until 13. March 2022, large parts of the Amazon region, from northern Bolivia and central Brazil, through Peru, Ecuador, and northern Brazil to western Colombia, southern Venezuela, and the Guyana region will be in big danger of floods and landslides, therefore, if you live in the region, be careful and watch current weather news, forecasts and warnings.
In Autumn and Summer 2022 are severe storms forecast in these South-American regions /;
Illustration picture: Sources – Youtube videos below