Snow calamity in Turkey, 1/2 of Syria, and most of Lebanon (-15°C) with snowfall: Turkey (-35°C) and the northern Middle East with a peak of Winter 2021/2022 ahead!

Although western Europe should be in the next period hit mainly with dry anticyclonic weather, with morning frosts, but warm sunny days, and without snowfall /;;, Central Europe /, Balkan /, Eastern Europe / and Turkey and the northern Middle East /this article/ will be hit by Siberian winter in full power.
Very cold be in the region of Turkey and the northern Middle East already in the next days, with a peak from 19. to 21. January 2022 and the second peak is predicted around 29.-30. January 2022, so far, with severe frosts in mountainous parts of Turkey during all next 16-day period.
Extremely strong frosts hit in the next period almost all Turkey, maybe only coasts will be warmer. In basins and valleys in Eastern Turkey, around 1500 MASL, frosts up to -35°C are possible, while many metropolitan cities will be deeply below zero, around -10/-20°C.
Frosts should hit most of Syria, while in Lebanese mountains, anomalous temperatures up to -15°C are possible.
Mountainous regions of Turkey hits a powerful snow calamity, with 0,5 – 1 meter, in higher altitudes 1-5 meters of snow.
Snowing is forecast in more than 1/2 of the territory of Syria, most of Lebanon, and colder regions in Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
The temperature in 850 hPa will drop above Turkey to -10/-15°C, above Eastern Turkey shortly up to -20°C.
Parts of Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, northern Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran hits air masses in 850 hPa below -5°C, which should mean snowing even in lowlands and along the coasts (!), in many regions, with good conditions.
Stronger frosts should appear in lower situated regions of the northern Middle East, and even, temperature and snowfall records are locally possible.
In February and March, early-spring conditions were according to the last outlooks forecast mainly for Europe /;;; and into Turkey and the Middle East, NAO+ related warming should come later, in the second half of February 2022 or only in March 2022.



Expected snowfall until 1. February 2022 /16.1. 06Z/ Source:
