Balkan and Italy with a high probability hits a Siberian winter: Heavy blizzards and up to -30°C in valleys, a peak between 22. January – 1. February 2022

Although western Europe should be in the next period hit mainly with dry anticyclonic weather, with morning frosts, but warm sunny days, and without snowfall /;;, Central Europe /, and Balkan will be hit by Siberian winter in full power.
Cooling down will start already between 18.-22. January 2022, with frosts in valleys below -15°C, but between 22. January and 1. February 2022, a peak of Winter 2021/2022 is still outputted (GFS).
In valleys in Balkan and the Alps below 1000 MASL (including northern Italy), minimum temperatures should drop up to -30°C, in the Apennines up to the interval -15/-20°C.
Balkan and Italian mountains waits in many regions severe blizzard and snow should appear along the Adriatic coast, mainly in eastern Italy, too.
Snow should again surprise along the coast of Greece /, Turkey or other parts of Balkan Peninsula.
Above the region will shift anomalously cold air from the Arctic and Siberia, with only -10/-15°C temperatures in 850 hPa, while western Europe stays in the warm sector of anticyclone on its backside.
Snowing is later predicted even in more than 1/2 of Syria and Lebanon – that are really conditions typical for the coldest peaks of colder winters.
Many parts of mountainous Turkey will end with snow calamity.
In metropolitan cities, frosts between -5/-15°C, rarely below -20°C are possible. Temperatures -20/-30°C are predicted mainly for valleys and basins with a deep snow cover in altitudes 500-1000 MASL.
In February and March, early-spring conditions were according to the last outlooks forecast (will be updated) /;;;

Illustration maps:,,



Expected snow cover until 1. February 2022 /
