The last time, we relatively correctly estimated a possible peak of Winter 2021/2022 around Christmas and New Year 2021-2022 /https://mkweather.com/winter-in-europe-will-return-around-christmas-and-new-year-2022-especially-in-the-central-and-eastern-sector-long-term-forecast-until-10-january-2022//.
Now, we should look at the long-term 4-decade forecast for the wider European region until 30. January 2022 and show, when possible peaks of winter are forecasted in regions from the Arctic, Greenland, and Siberia up to Sahara or the Middle East.
Peaks of cold weather in northernmost latitudes are forecasted around 29. December, 2. January, 19. January 23., 26. and 30. January 2021-2022, but any compact extremely cold period isn´t forecast.
Mid-latitudes expect a short peak of cold weather around Christmas, and then around 31. December – 9. January 2021-2022, and then only at the end of January 2022.
Oceanic and subtropical regions will be very similar.
Very cold air will shift above the southern Mediterranean, North Africa, and the Middle East mainly after 10. January 2022, when the coldest times are overall forecast.
The coldest times overall for all wider European region are forecast for days 22. December, 31. December – 9. January and 27.-30. January 2021-2022, although, short coldwaves should appear during all January 2022 regionally.
Extreme Siberian blasts around Christmas and New Year 2021-2022 are a subject of our investigation in previous articles /https://mkweather.com/40-45c-frosts-in-scandinavia-after-christmas/; https://mkweather.com/20c-in-england-and-benelux-around-sylvester-31-12-2021/; https://mkweather.com/chances-for-30c-around-sylvester-2021-31-12-in-central-europe-are-still-alive/; https://mkweather.com/italy-and-balkan-with-siberian-frosts-20-25c-on-new-year-turkey-30c-around-christmas//.
Equivalent snow forecast until 30. January 2022 in Europe and the equivalent of temperature outlook for North America will be topics of the next Mkweather articles.
For now, it appears, that blizzards are very possible in Europe after Christmas 2021 and around New Year 2022 /https://mkweather.com/strange-and-suspiciously-extreme-blizzard-on-gfs-outputs-for-parts-of-europe/; update: new outputs count with severe blizzard, too/.
If you live in European region, will be prepared for the possible peak of Winter 2021/2022 and anomalously cold conditions around Sylvester 2021 and in early January 2022.

Source: https://www.gismeteo.com/weather-dubai-5529/month/