A heat dome from northern Rocky Mountains, Northern Prairies, Prairies in Canada, Upper Midwest, Great Lakes region, and Northeast is already shifting to easternmost parts of Canada, and the region of Montreal recorded the highest temperatures of the year.
Before long heatwave in the region we have warned already before 2 weeks /https://mkweather.com/longest-heatwave-in-northeast-and-midwest-the-usa-in-summer-2021-then-extreme-heat-dome-above-northern-usa/; https://mkweather.com/northern-usa-and-southern-canada-hits-in-the-next-10-days-extreme-heat-dome-a-peak-of-summer-2021-forecasted//
In Montreal, Quebec, Canada, the maximum temperature reached +35,0°C on 21. August 2021 and heat index reached in humid air unbearable +42°C. It was the peak of Summer 2021.
Quebec City reported +32,5°C on 20. August 2021 and it was the hottest 20. August in history.
Meanwhile, above easternmost Canada, Hurricane Henri is moving /https://mkweather.com/hurricane-henri-hits-northeast-usa-and-neighboring-canada-it-makes-a-landfall-such-a-hurricane-in-new-york-the-1st-hurricane-in-new-england-in-30-years// and already brought record rainfall in New York and hit New England, Northeast, such as the first hurricane in 30 years /damages and fatalities of Henri will be updated on Mkweather in the next days/.
Meanwhile, the western USA is stuck in cold air /https://mkweather.com/the-first-snowfall-of-the-season-in-the-rocky-mountains-montana-wyoming-colorado-utah-alberta-british-columbia-yukon-nwt-alaska// and a big coldwave is forecasted here at the start of September 2021 (it later hits the northern USA and Midwest).
Northwest Passage, Canadian Arctic is experiencing with above-average Arctic Sea Ice /https://mkweather.com/a-lot-of-arctic-sea-ice-northwest-passage-canadian-arctic-should-be-closed-for-the-first-time-since-2008//.
According to the Accuweather Autumn forecast for Canada, strongly above average temperatures are in Autumn 2021 forecasted in southern Plains and warmer autumn such as average above belt in southern Canada, but too in Quebec or Arctic coast /https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-forecasts/accuweathers-2021-canada-autumn-forecast/1002672/. South and continental Labrador are forecasted to be dry, while north, western coast and westernmost coast wet in the next 3 months.