In the last Mkweather articles for Europe, we have investigated long-term temperature and snowfall outlooks /https://mkweather.com/the-long-term-forecast-for-europe-until-30-january-2022/; https://mkweather.com/the-long-term-snow-forecast-for-europe-until-30-january-2022//, a blizzard conditions /https://mkweather.com/gfs-expects-extreme-blizzards-in-europe-regionally-20-70-cm-locally-up-to-1-meter-of-snow-possible//, and extreme Siberian coldwaves /https://mkweather.com/europe-before-an-aggressive-siberian-blast-european-russia-50c-scandinavia-45c-central-europe-france-eastern-europe-baltic-region-turkey-30c-balkan-and-italy-25c-b/; https://mkweather.com/40-45c-frosts-in-scandinavia-after-christmas/; https://mkweather.com/20c-in-england-and-benelux-around-sylvester-31-12-2021/; https://mkweather.com/chances-for-30c-around-sylvester-2021-31-12-in-central-europe-are-still-alive/; https://mkweather.com/italy-and-balkan-with-siberian-frosts-20-25c-on-new-year-turkey-30c-around-christmas//.
Now, we should look at forecasts of snow cover for Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022 (maps below).
While Christmas 2021 appears snowy mainly in the northern half of Europe, especially parts of the UK /https://mkweather.com/white-christmas-in-the-uk-after-10-years//, the Netherlands, Denmark, northern Germany, all Poland, parts of Czechia and Slovakia, northern Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, and Baltic states (+Scandinavia and European Russia), winter conditions until Sylvester night will be significantly improved.
Around midnight from 31. December 2021 to 1. January 2022, snow cover is forecasted for parts of the UK, almost all Benelux, eastern France, almost all Central Europe, almost all Balkan, Eastern Europe except eastern Ukraine, in central and northern European Russia, Eastern Turkey, and even in the mountains in Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Algeria or Tunisia.
With snow calamity and extreme blizzard conditions should fight on Sylvester and New Year mainly in the Netherlands, north-central Germany, almost all Poland, Slovakia, northern Czechia, Baltic states, Belarus, NW Ukraine, or parts of Balkan.
Winter holidays 2021-2022 in Europe will be surely from these better, excluding of warming trend in the last decades.
What should be even more interesting are expected severe frosts up to -20°C in the UK, up to -30°C in continental Europe and up to -40°C or even -45°C in Scandinavia, after blizzard rounds, sometimes between 31. December 2021 – 9. January 2022 (the first links above).
Therefore stay safe and warm.