Mkweather already before a few months warned in Summer 2021/2022 forecast for South America before severe storms and very strong season of rains during the period DJF (December 2021 – January 2022 – February 2022) in central and northern Brazil /https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-2022-forecast-for-south-america-stormy-north-hot-and-dry-south-cold-and-dry-pacific-coast// and this forecast was already extended to Autumn 2022 months /https://mkweather.com/autumn-2022-forecast-for-south-america//, when the untraditionally strong rain season is forecast to bring the next deadly floods in the region.
Meanwhile, the La Plata region, including southern Brazil reports excessive heatwaves /https://mkweather.com/buenos-aires-411c-the-second-hottest-day-in-history-uruguay-419c-brazil-415c-and-will-be-worse/; https://mkweather.com/pozo-hondo-argentina-466c-paraguay-with-a-new-national-record-456c-hot-and-dry-january-2022-is-forecast/; https://mkweather.com/rividavia-argentina-460c-29c-below-all-time-record-paraguay-with-453c-w-new-december-national-record-buenos-aires-401c-new-december-record-and-patagonia-with-wi//, in central and northern Brazil, is the season of rain in full swing.
The ongoing La Nina pattern is causing, that season of rain is anomalously strong and according to current news, more than 500 (549) cities in Brazil are under flood emergency.
From the newest events, it should be devastating floods in the city o Imperatriz, where was floodwater high up to roofs of houses, or deadly floods with landslides in Minas Gerais, where fell more than 200 mm / 24 hours.
The most populated regions of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are in a danger, too /https://mkweather.com/floods-in-sao-paulo-more-than-100-mm-in-2-hours//.
South Atlantic Convergence Zone is predicted to stay very strong and the following weeks and months should be for some regions catastrophic.
According to long-term forecasts, 100-500 mm of rainfall for approximately 3/4 of the territory of Brazil is until the end of January 2022 forecast and only easternmost Brazil and neighboring region with Paraguay will stay relatively dry.
Only at the end of Autumn 2021, Amazon river reached the highest levels of water since 1902 /https://mkweather.com/the-worst-floods-in-amazon-since-1902-and-the-worst-drought-in-southern-brazil-since-1920-at-the-same-time-2021// and in 2022 this situation should repeat, because before the year, La Nina was reaching very similar intensity.
It appears that very hard times are before central and northern Brazil, therefore, if you live in the region, we recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, storm warnings, and advisories.
Mkweather will be furthermore monitoring the situation in the region – storms in the northern half of South America and heatwaves and drought in the southern half, both.

Illustration picture: Sources: https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-2022-forecast-for-south-america-stormy-north-hot-and-dry-south-cold-and-dry-pacific-coast/; https://mkweather.com/autumn-2022-forecast-for-south-america/; @ImperatrizOnlin #GuerraEcologica Twitter; t.me/rtnews

Rainfall forecast until the end of January 2022 /wxcharts.com