Extreme winter heatwaves in the last period (on a wider scale during all December 2021) hit not only south-central and the southeastern USA, but Colorado, southern Rocky Mountains, too.
Typically one of the coldest states of the USA therefore surprisingly reported in the middle of Winter 2021/2022 in the last days extensive wildfires.
A big wildfire swept through Denver at the end of the year 2021 and left 1000 homes totally destroyed.
3 people are missing and 2 Denver suburbs are counting damages.
Among destroyed buildings was Tesla Service Center, too.
Except for white New Year 2022 now thousands of people were found themselves without a shelter.
Interesting is, that Denver is sometimes hit by severe blizzards, such as one of the coldest metropolitan cities in the USA elevated around 1600 MASL in September or May.
5 American states in the last period, between Christmas and New Year´s Eve, reported tropical heatwaves, with maximum temperatures 86/96°F / +30/+36°C – Texas, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, and Oklahoma, with a subsequent ongoing tornado outbreak /https://mkweather.com/the-worst-tornado-forecast-since-the-kentucky-event-30-million-americans-after-tropical-heatwave-under-a-tornado-watch//.
Meanwhile, California reported snowfall and rainfall records /https://mkweather.com/sierra-snow-lab-in-california-455-cm-193-7-inches-16-feet-of-snowfall-a-historic-amount-of-snow/; https://mkweather.com/los-angeles-surprisingly-with-daily-rainfall-record-60-mm-2-34-inches-on-31-12-2021-and-mini-floods// and NW USA and western Canada historic frosts /https://mkweather.com/canada-511c-the-first-50c-and-lower-temperature-in-december-since-1998/; https://mkweather.com/vancouver-canada-hit-the-coldest-temperatures-in-52-years-153c/; https://mkweather.com/seattle-with-the-coldest-day-since-1990-and-the-coldest-night-since-the-legendary-year-2010//.
A cold front has already hit Colorado, too, with snowfall in burned areas, but the situation with heatwaves in south-central and southeastern USA should repeat, soon /https://mkweather.com/kentucky-like-tornadoes-for-the-usa-in-january-and-february-2022-cfs-sees-extreme-temperature-differences-across-the-continent-and-sharp-frontal-boundaries-for-midwest-southeast//.

Illustration picture: Sources: kcci.com, BreakinNewz Twitter, blogdady.com, thehill.com,

Source: kcci.com