The arrival of a powerful cold front was accompanied in Germany and Poland in the last hours by surprising severe storms (with lighting) and in central Poland even, destructive winter tornado outbreak appeared!
A series of tornadoes hit Łódzkie and Wielkopolskie Wojewodztwo and caused extensive damages in a form of destroyed houses and roofs, uprooted forest lines, damaging infrastructure, and even, injures were reported.
Together 5 tornadoes swept through central Poland on Thursday, 17. February 2022 between 3:42 and 5:05 /ESWD/.
According to the newest information, the strongest from tornadoes should have the power of a powerful EF2 tornado.
Villages/towns of Skwierzyna, Sierosław, Wójcice, Smaszków, Tykadłów, Żelazków, Zborów, Podzborów, Stara Ciświca and Dobrzyca, Sośnica were hit the most.
The strongest was tornado in Skwierzyna – at least high-end EF1, with report on ESWD: “A tornado occurred during passage of a thunderstorm. Damaged roofs of the outbuildings and damage to trees incicated at least high-end F1 category of damage (case consulted with Thilo Kühne – ESWD Management)“
An ESWD report from the most hit village, Sierosław, is telling: ” A tornado occurred during passage of a thunderstorm. Every second building in the village sustained damage. Two trucks were overturned on A1 highway near Sierosław. One of the drivers sustained injuries. High-voltage power poles were downed. This report will be expanded.” UPDATE: 1 injured.
A report from Wójcice, Smaszków is telling about the next heavy damages:” Heavy structural, tornadic damage occurred in Błaszki county after passage of a thunderstorm. Numerous houses, outbuildings and trees were damaged. One person was injured in Smaszków village. The report will be expanded.” UPDATE: 2 injured.
From Tykadłów, Żelazków, Zborów, Podzborów, this report was recorded: “A tornado occurred during passage of a thunderstorm. Roofs (residential buildings, outbuildings), trees, power lines were damaged in that area. That report will be expanded.“
In Stara Ciświca “Numerous damaged buildings and trees were reported after passage of a thunderstorm. Damage seems to be tornadic. Time of the event was based on IMGW-PIB radar data. This report will be expanded.“
Finally, a report from Dobrzyca, Sośnica is telling: “A tornado occurred during passage of a thunderstorm. Heavy structural damage, numerous damaged or destroyed roofs, downed trees and damaged power lines were reported. A forest in Sośnica was heavily damaged. This report will be expanded.“
This tornado event should be considered as the worst Winter 2021/2022 tornado event in Europe, with the most extensive damages.
We should tell, that Poland has changed in the last hours to “an European Kentucky”.
From the first report above isn´t fully known if one person is injured or dead (further is mentioned: “Jakby dom się zawalał, jakby z nieba kamienie leciały”. Jedna osoba nie żyje, setki tysięcy odbiorców bez prądu”, TVN Meteo, 17 FEB 2022.”.
And it is possible that hard times in NW Europe will be continuing because of severe Windstorm Eunice, with winds 100-140, rarely up to 180 km/h /https://mkweather.com/severe-windstorm-eunice-hits-nw-europe-with-wind-gusts-100-140-km-h-rarely-180-km-h//.
After very hard times, finally extremely warm, early-spring weather is between 26.2.-5.3.2022 predicted /https://mkweather.com/the-first-heatwave-of-the-summer-season-will-come-very-early-26-2-5-3-2022-the-mediterranean-30c-continental-europe-25c-british-islands-scandinavia-up-to-20c//.
Extremely warm weather should continue until the end of March 2022 and in April 2022, late-season frosts should appear /https://mkweather.com/92951/; https://mkweather.com/extremely-warm-and-sunny-spring-minimally-until-20-march-2022-late-season-frosts-or-snow-should-come-at-the-end-of-march-and-in-april-2022/; https://mkweather.com/will-bring-early-april-2022-extreme-frosts-in-europe-and-damage-to-harvest-there-are-the-first-signals//.
During NAO+, strong winterstorms in northern parts of Europe, thanks to very strong Icelandic low, will be until the end of March 2022 still possible, mainly in the British Islands, Scandinavia, and Baltic region.

Illustration picture: https://tvn24.pl/tvnmeteo/polska/pogoda-wichury-w-polsce-traba-powietrzna-w-dobrzycy-zerwane-dachy-polamane-galezie-interwencje-strazy-pozarnej-ofiara-smiertelna-5601833

Source: https://www.facebook.com/irenakuczynskablog/photos/pcb.3193073394296576/3193072797629969/

Source: https://www.facebook.com/irenakuczynskablog/photos/pcb.3193073394296576/3193072797629969/

Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=7148402421896756&set=pcb.7147579045312427

Source: https://kalisz.naszemiasto.pl/potezna-wichura-w-powiecie-kaliskim-wiatr-zrywal-dachy/ar/c1-8682997

Source: https://www.piotrkowski24.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/13-1.jpg

Source: https://d-art.ppstatic.pl/kadry/k/r/cb/5a/620e17be6f1c4_o_large.jpg

Source: https://www.piotrkowski24.pl/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/17-1.jpg

Source: https://d-art.ppstatic.pl/kadry/k/r/52/7b/620e17efdd7bf_o_large.jpg

Source: https://d-art.ppstatic.pl/kadry/k/r/c6/66/620e17fbce792_o_large.jpg

Source: https://www.facebook.com/LowcyBurzLodzkie/photos/a.767374256647863/5098704126848166/

Reports on ESWD /Source: https://eswd.eu/cgi-bin/eswd.cgi

Source: https://eswd.eu/cgi-bin/eswd.cgi