Already in last May days, Death Valley reported hot +46,1°C was already measured (30. May 2021), Redding recorded +42,8°C or Red Bluff +42,2°C (on 31. May or Ukiah, Utah, +41,1°C /https://mkweather.com/usa-hot-west-cold-east-and-stormy-midwest//.
On 1. June, extreme heatwave shifted above British Columbia, Canada, where +37,3°C in Ashcroft was measured.
During the next days, extreme heatwave from western USA and Canada will be shifting above northern USA and Canadian Prairies, with temperatures exceeding +40°C / 104°F in the hottest localities, what is exceptionally hot for the first days of summer.
Extreme heatwave is coming only short time after unseasonably late snowing in Edmonton, Toronto or NW USA /https://mkweather.com/historic-snowing-in-toronto-the-2nd-latest-ever-minnesota-61c/; https://mkweather.com/from-summer-into-winter-after-334c-saskatchewan-snowing-in-edmonton-alberta-canada/; https://mkweather.com/a-few-days-before-summer-2021-a-giant-snowstorm-in-nw-usa// – this air has shifted above Northeast and Southeast later, with exceptionally cold daily temperatures /https://mkweather.com/new-york-it-has-never-been-so-cold-in-summer-season//.
Meanwhile, southern USA – mainly New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana or Arkansas reported regional floods from downpours.
Along East Coast, regenerating of warm weather is forecasted in the following period.
It is possible, that hot and dry weather with wildfires will regenerate in western USA during next weeks and months /https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-forecast-for-north-america-hot-stormy-east-and-dry-west//, while central and eastern parts of the continent will be very stormy.