In the Mediterranean is continuing record-breaking Summer 2021 and after extreme heatwaves, deadly wildfires appeared across large parts of southern Europe and northern Africa.
While in Turkey, the all-time record, +49,1°C was before a few weeks measured /https://mkweather.com/all-time-record-in-turkey-491c-the-heatwave-is-deadly//, in Greece maximum temperatures stopped only 0,9°C below all-time record (+47,1°C) /https://mkweather.com/greece-471c-only-09c-below-european-record-north-macedonia-441c-bulgaria-425c-and-tirana-albania-422c-all-time-record-while-wildfires-are-raging-across-all-mediterranean// and in Italy, a new European record was measured (+48,8°C) /https://mkweather.com/siracusa-italy-488c-european-all-time-temperature-record-was-broken//, on Friday, 13. August was extremely hot in Morocco and Spain, too – in Spain according to SIAR database up to +47,2°C /more here: https://twitter.com/extremetemps/.
Meanwhile, in Tunisia and Algeria, heatwave brought all-time temperature records (too – Tunisia, +50,3°C) and deadly wildfires /https://mkweather.com/natural-disaster-in-algeria-69-dead-after-disastrous-wildfires-due-to-50c-heatwaves/; https://mkweather.com/tunisia-503c-the-highest-temperature-in-the-country-in-modern-history/; https://mkweather.com/tunisia-with-all-time-record-before-a-mega-european-heatwave-jendouba-490c-kebili-485c-algeria-up-to-489c-last-days//.
The worst situation with wildfires in Europe is currently in Greece, Italy, Albania, North Macedonia, and Kosovo, but a powerful outbreak is already expected in Spain, Portugal, and southern France, while wildfires in Italy, Greece, Balkan, Turkey, and Ukraine will be soon strengthening, too.
Stories from wildfires across Europe you should find in the Tweets below.
Animation of development wildfire situation between 16. July and 8. August in Europe is available here /https://twitter.com/Circulor1/status/1426137143546716163?s=20/.
Wildfires are deadly and together caused more than 100 dead.
In the Black Sea coast, Turkey, moreover, Medicane Falchion brought the next 44 dead after severe floods (updated information) /https://mkweather.com/a-medicane-above-the-black-sea-so-early-in-august-never-seen-before//.