Meanwhile, in Europe, extreme frosts, blizzards, and windstorms in the last period appeared, including many temperature and snowfall records /legendary frosts in Scandinavia up to -37,5°C: https://mkweather.com/brutally-cold-weather-in-scandinavia-legendary-frosts-in-sweden-375c-norway-369c-and-finland-340c-and-below-40c-is-forecasted-the-coldest-seasonal-temperatures-in-50/; Italy -31,4°C in the Alps and -17,8°C in populated areas: https://mkweather.com/italy-314c-in-the-alps-and-178c-in-populated-areas/; northern Italy up to -15°C in 800 MASL: https://mkweather.com/northern-italy-with-15c-in-lower-situated-areas-rare-snow-in-sicily-and-sardinia-forecast/; -19,6°C in 975 MASL, France: https://mkweather.com/combe-de-loscence-france-196c-in-975-masl/; 50-year record -10,0°C in Grenoble, France: https://mkweather.com/grenoble-france-384-masl-100c-the-coldest-temperatures-in-the-region-minimally-in-the-last-50-years/; 0,5 meters of snow in Switzerland, 800 MASL and 40 cm in Austria, 700 MASL: https://mkweather.com/linthal-switzerland-800-masl-with-05-meters-of-snow-koetzchach-austria-40-cm-next-3-days-will-come-the-next-snowfall/; blizzard in the UK: https://mkweather.com/a-snowstorm-trapped-60-people-in-uk-pub-they-had-fun-and-sang-for-three-days/, blizzard in Denmark and Germany: https://mkweather.com/denmark-hit-120-km-h-winds-with-heavy-snowfall-a-blizzard-hit-germany-too-130km-h-wind-in-istanbul-killed-4//, parts of northeastern Africa, Middle East, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey, Caucasian region and Central Asia hit extremely high winter temperatures.
In many regions has appeared events such as “summer in the winter”, with summer, or even tropical temperatures above +25°C / +30°C, in southernmost regions supertropical temperatures above +35°C.
National temperature records from this heatwave had values of: Saudi Arabia +39,0°C, Algeria +36,6°C, Libya +35,5°C, Israel +33,5°C, Jordan +31,8°C, Greece +31,1°C, Turkey +30,7°C, Turkmenistan +29,4°C, Azerbaijan +29,1°C, Lebanon +28,0°C, Geogria +27,5°C, Russia +27,1°C, Kazakhstan +25,7°C!
In many countries, e.g. Azerbaijan or Kazakhstan, it´s the highest winter temperatures ever!
Very surprising are tropical temperatures in Greece (+31,1°C) and Turkey (+30,7°C), too.
Tropical nights, with minimum temperatures, even appeared in southwestern Russia!
The situation is carefully watched here: https://twitter.com/extremetemps.
After winter heatwaves, the region expects a significant cooldown already in the next weeks, western parts already in the first half of December 2021, southern and eastern parts in the second half of December 2021 /check here: https://mkweather.com/winter-in-europe-will-return-around-christmas-and-new-year-2022-especially-in-the-central-and-eastern-sector-long-term-forecast-until-10-january-2022//.
Mkweather will monitor the arrival of the winter in the region and we will be bringing furthermore fresh weather news about records and updates of forecasts on our homepage.