A warm period should be interrupted by Arctic air! Temperatures up to -15°C in continental European valleys possible

Already in the last period, we announced extremely warm conditions in Europe, but forecasts have little changed and it will be only mostly warm or very warm, temporarily in anticyclonic weather with strong morning frosts.
The next extremely warm times are therefore shifting, mainly in continental parts of Europe to later period, maybe in the second to fourth week of March 2022 /https://mkweather.com/in-northern-africa-are-creating-extremely-hot-air-masses-in-march-2022-they-should-hit-europe-senegal-424c-mali-415c-algeria-347c/; https://mkweather.com/nao-leading-pattern-minimally-until-1-april-2022/; https://mkweather.com/rcmwf-6-week-forecast-for-the-usa-until-4-april-2022-winter-until-the-half-of-march-then-very-warm-spring// and temperatures only around +10/+15°C will be in the next 2 weeks above the continent maximally possible, although, later GFS returns again above +20°C.
Moreover, longer clear periods should produce after cold fronts relatively cold, but only temporary morning frosts, which should be peaking from western to eastern Europe between 26.2. – 7.3.2022 (in the British Islands and Spain already in the following mornings, in central Europe around 28.2.-1.3.2022 and in Eastern Europe and Turkey around 3.-7. March 2022).
In valleys in continental Europe, Balkan, or Scotland -15°C in densely populated valleys in continental parts will be possible, rarely should appear temperatures below -20°C.
All-day frosts in elevations around 800 MASL in mountainous areas will be shortly possible, but this Arctic blast will have far from a peaking of winter.
In Scandinavia, the last frosts below -35°C should appear, and frosts up to -10°C should appear in valleys in Spain, Italy, or Greece, too.
Despite an interrupting of early-spring weather, Europe experiences very warm February 2022, and forecasts for March 2022 are even warmer /https://mkweather.com/hot-and-dry-march-cold-and-stormy-april-and-may-long-term-forecast-for-europe-sees-a-return-of-cold-and-weather-patterns//.
The warmest part of the early spring is therefore shifting to the 2nd and the 3rd March 2022 decade, so far.
During selected days, when will be a cold period in your region peaking, therefore still dress warm – anticyclonic weather will be however still very good for outdoor activities, before windstorms will until 10. March 2022 shift above Iceland, the British Islands, Scandinavia, the North Sea, and the Baltic Sea.
If the first possible serious spring heatwave in Europe around 10. March 2022 will be in the next runs of GFS confirmed, it will be a subject of our interest in the next Mkweather articles.

Source: wetterzentrale.de

Source: wetterzentrale.de