Parts of Finland, including of metropolitan area of Oulu experienced on Tuesday, 14. September 2021 with the first snow of the season!
A snowstorm hit mainly Lapland and parts of the northern half of the country and on roads, several centimeters of snow layer appeared immediately after a few hours of snowing.
In Kilpisjarvi Saana, 1007 MASL, ice day, with the maximum temperature only -0,1°C and minimum temperature -1,6°C appeared on Tuesday, 14. September and on Monday, 13. September, -1,8°C was measured.
In Kittila Laukukero, 755 MASL, -1,6°C and -0,9°C were measured in the last 2 mornings (13.-14. September), with maximum temperature on Tuesday only +0,1°C.
In Oulu, the temperature dropped to +0,8°C near heavy snowfall. Interesting is, the minimum temperature was reached around 14:00, afternoon, during the arrival of the snowstorm.
In Rovaniemi, Lapland´s capital, the temperature dropped to +0,2°C near snowing during morning hours and the maximum temperature reached +4,9°C.
In Vilhelmina, Sweden, 348 MASL, only -4,0°C was on Tuesday, morning, measured and in Filefjell, Norway, 955 MASL and Folldal-Fredheim, Norway, 694 MASL, -3,8°C was measured.
In the last period, in Scandinavia appeared severe coldwaves and heatwaves both /https://mkweather.com/winter-came-to-norway-and-sweden-very-early-snow-in-the-north-tmax-below-0c-frosts-in-the-south-folldal-fredheim-86c-latnivaara-52c/; https://mkweather.com/drammen-berskog-norway-280c-05c-below-all-time-september-record/; https://mkweather.com/southern-norway-summer-278c-northern-norway-winter-snowing-extreme-frosts-are-coming// and until the end of September, colder weather will be more frequent, although in the south, temperatures above +20°C should appear, yet.
Autumn 2021 forecast for Scandinavia is stormy /https://mkweather.com/autumn-2021-forecast-for-europe-mostly-dry-and-frosty-autumn-be-prepared-for-early-severe-frosts// and in Winter 2021/2022, Finland should be hit by Siberian coldwaves the most /https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-the-first-reliable-estimates-extreme-cold-blasts-from-canada-and-western-siberia-snow-in-western-europe-and-eastern-asia-la-nina-qbo-to-qbo-shift-sufficient-nao-ao/; https://mkweather.com/mkweather-special-forecast-for-the-next-3-seasons-cold-autumn-2021-warmer-winter-2021-2022-cold-spring-2021-for-europe-a-peak-of-winter-in-its-colder-first-half-north-america-with-extreme-cold-2021-20//.