Extreme heat can´t afford to sleep! Extremely hot nights hit Venice of the North – St. Petersburg, after all eastern half of Europe and central Mediterranean is suffering historically hot June heatwave!
Already in series of previous on Mkweather /Žlobin, Belarus: +35,7°C! All-time June national record! – mkweather; Moscow expects +36°C – the hottest June day in history! Verkhoyansk with the highest all-time ground temperature, +48°C! – mkweather; Finland is expecting +36°C, Estonia +37°C on Tuesday, all-time national records have values +37,2°C and +35,6°C – mkweather; Finland +33,6°C, 0,2°C below June all-time record, Tampere +33,2°C – the highest measured temperature in history! – mkweather; Latvia +33,7°C in Pavilosta, only 0,9°C below all-time June record, Estonia +34,4°C in Kaapa and +34,1°C in Kunda, all-time June record! – mkweather/ we have informed about anomalous situation above northeastern Europe.
Heatwave has origin in central parts of Europe, Balkan, Italy and Sahara /Sirocco for Central Europe? Hungary should attack +40°C on Thursday! – mkweather; Italy: After 2 days with +45°C, real hell is coming! Heatwaves in Italy are stronger such as in 2003! – mkweather; Tunisia +47,9°C, only 0,4°C below all-time June record! – mkweather; +52,4°C in Algeria! The first official European +50°C is possible! – mkweather/.
Extremely hot nights on Tuesday and Wednesday, 22.-23. June 2021 appeared in St. Petersburg, with values of minimum temperatures record +24,6°C and +25,0°C.
In the case of +25,0°C it is a supertropical night, which is very rarely even in Central Europe!
People in the city had problems with sleeping, moreover, we are now in the period of the longest sunshine duration during the year, with famous “white nights” in region of St. Petersburg.
Moscow is expecting overcoming of all-time June record with temperatures up to +36°C until Friday, 25. June 2021 /Moscow expects +36°C – the hottest June day in history! Verkhoyansk with the highest all-time ground temperature, +48°C! – mkweather/.
While in Latvia, 0,9°C was missing from all-time national record for June on Tuesday, 22. June 2021, with maximum +33,7°C in Pavilosta, Estonia should break all-time June temperature record twice. On Monday, 21. June 2021, +34,4°C was measured in Kaapa, while on Tuesday, 22. June 2021 +34,1°C in Kunda.
Belarus reported all-time national June record, +35,7°C and
In Ukraine, temperatures should reach until the end of week +39°C.
In Sweden, all-time June record fell in previous week /Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! – mkweather/ and in Finland, only 0,2°C from all-time June record was missing on Tuesday, 22. June /Finland +33,6°C, 0,2°C below June all-time record, Tampere +33,2°C – the highest measured temperature in history! – mkweather/. Extremely hot was in Poland or Germany, too /+36,1°C in Slubice, Poland! Germany +36,9°C and 5 days above +35°C! – mkweather/.
During Wednesday´s afternoon, severe storms are shifting towards St. Petersburg from Estonia and southern Finland, therefore, if you live in the region, watch current forecasts and advisories.