After extreme late Summer coldwave, Europe should be prepared for a return of hot summer!
While in the last days we informed about extremely cold weather /https://mkweather.com/slovakian-valleys-11c-hungarian-lowlands-40c-france-only-37c-arctic-air-in-continetnal-europe-hit-in-full-power-around-3-9-should-be-in-alpine-and-carpathian-valleys-1/; https://mkweather.com/first-frosts-and-ground-frosts-are-here-extremely-cold-weather-in-continental-europe-will-continue-until-1-september-weather-maps/; https://mkweather.com/europe-coldwave-is-bringing-extremely-cold-maximum-temperatures-scandinavia-16c-germany-99c-croatia-142c-daily-temperatures-below-10c-until-2-september-are-possi/; https://mkweather.com/a-november-like-coldwave-maximum-temperatures-in-continental-europe-10-15c-5-7-days-minimum-temperatures-only-1c-and-6c-in-scandinavia/; https://mkweather.com/the-next-2-weeks-without-summer-a-big-arctic-forecast-for-european-cities-maximum-temperatures-locally-10c-damages-on-sensitive-plants-frosts-a-worsening-of-virological-situation-diffic/; https://mkweather.com/10-15-day-coldwave-for-europe-maximum-temperatures-only-8-14c-regionally-and-the-first-frosts-in-valleys/; https://mkweather.com/the-first-siberian-blast-in-europe-already-at-the-end-of-august-the-first-frosts-and-ground-frosts-in-valleys-and-basins/; https://mkweather.com/autumn-in-europe-is-coming-the-last-august-days-brings-the-arctic-blast-temperatures-rarely-should-drop-to-3c-and-the-first-ground-frosts-are-possible//, long-term outlook is already very warm, with return of summer, shortly even tropical days above continental parts of Europe!
In France (Spain and Portugal), heatwave will bring hot weather already at the start of September 2021 and hot, tropical air gradually will spread from France into British Islands, Benelux and around 10. September finally to Germany and the rest of Central Europe. Heatwaves in Italy and Balkan will be regenerating, too and Scandinavia will experience with summer days (above +25°C) in the south.
In Spain, temperatures should reach +38°C around 10. September, in France, including northern parts, should be measured up to +36°C, Germany and Central European coutnries should report around +32/+33°C around 10. September according to current GFS outputs.
In Italy and Balkan, +35°C temperatures are forecasted, while southeastern Turkey will be struggle with +45°C. Into Eastern Europe, heatwave will arrive later, maybe only around 15. September. Southern Sweden should rerpot +25°C, maybe the last summer days of the season.
In the UK, mainly England, up to +28°C is according to GFS possible. It is higher temeprature, such was measured in British Islands during all August 2021! /https://mkweather.com/iceland-the-hottest-august-day-in-history-284c-while-europe-is-shivering-from-winter-scotland-272c-the-warmest-august-day-in-the-uk-extremely-hot-should-be-in-iceland-until-10//.
During the second and thrid September decade it should be situation very interesting, because NAO+ is forecasted /https://mkweather.com/autumn-2021-forecast-for-europe-mostly-dry-and-frosty-autumn-be-prepared-for-early-severe-frosts//, what should mean sunny and warm, later and in October frosty weather in Europe. High geopotential region is forecasted to shift from late Spetember ot early November 2021 from Greenalnd to Mediterranean, with severe frosts around mid-Autumn 2021 above the continet, what should be associated with a worsening of virological situation.
Therefore, don´t forget enjoy the last greetings of Summer 2021 – it will be very probably the last hot days of the year 2021 in many regions!

Source. weterzentrale.de
The hottest days in other regions (*into Eastern Europe will come only later, but the first September days will be in large parts of Ukraine and southern Russia tropical)

Source: wetterzentrale.de