About anomalous circulation across Northern Hemisphere we have informed in the last Mkweather articles /Italy: After 2 days with +45°C, real hell is coming! Heatwaves in Italy are stronger such as in 2003! – mkweather; The coldest June times in the UK in 30 years! Scotland -3,3°C, England -1,4°C! Only 2,3°C from all-time June national record! – mkweather; Abnormal heatwave for Canada, too, +47°C! (record +45,0°C from 1937), while other parts hits snowing! – mkweather; Moscow expects +36°C – the hottest June day in history! Verkhoyansk with the highest all-time ground temperature, +48°C! – mkweather/.
Extreme heatwave with Saharan origin /+52,4°C in Algeria! The first official European +50°C is possible! – mkweather; Tunisia +47,9°C, only 0,4°C below all-time June record! – mkweather/ hit not only Italy and Balkan, but too already Scandinavia and Central Europe /Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! – mkweather; Finland is expecting +36°C, Estonia +37°C on Tuesday, all-time national records have values +37,2°C and +35,6°C – mkweather; +36,1°C in Slubice, Poland! Germany +36,9°C and 5 days above +35°C! – mkweather; Sirocco for Central Europe? Hungary should attack +40°C on Thursday! – mkweather/ and anomalously hot air has gradually shifted above Eastern Europe, too, with the newest June all-time national record in Belarus!
In Žlobin, +35,7°C was on Tuesday, 23. June measured, what is the highest value such as on 23. June 1964 in Berezino.
Extremely hot was too in Estonia, only 1,2°C and Finland, only 0,2°C from all-time June national record /links above + prepared article/.
For Moscow is from Wednesday to Friday 23.-25. June 2021 forecasted a possibility of +36°C, while all-time record for June for the city is only +34,7°C.
Extremely hot air will gradually hit Ukraine, too, with possible temperatures up to +39°C until the end of current week!
Extreme heatwaves should return to Belarus and Ukraine around 30. June / 1. July 2021, with a possibility of similar temperatures, such as during current heatwave, but in shorter period.