Only before a few days we informed about floods in Chad, Niger, Nigeria, and Cameroon /https://mkweather.com/sahel-nigeria-chad-niger-cameroon-with-floods-saharan-states-again-near-all-time-records//, but floods in the Sahel are shifting northward with a quick tempo, and deadly floods in the last days already hit Sudan.
Together, 21 people have died, mainly in southern parts of the country and the next severe storms are in the next period forecasted.
90 000 people have been directly affected by floods, with widespread damages or even evacuations. Floods leave many citizens homeless.
Season of rain least in Sudan from July to October and it´s expected the next worsening of the situation until mid-Autumn 2021.
Only in the next 16 days, heavy rains are forecasted in the southern Sahel, northern parts of Western Africa, and Central Africa, with the possibility of floods in Ethiopia, Uganda, eastern Kenya, northern Congo, Central Africa Republic, South Sudan, southern Chad, southern Niger, Cameroon or Nigeria.
Meanwhile, Sahara is extremely hot these days and tropical air masses are pushed above Europe /https://mkweather.com/tunisia-with-all-time-record-before-a-mega-european-heatwave-jendouba-490c-kebili-485c-algeria-up-to-489c-last-days/; https://mkweather.com/the-peak-of-summer-2021-mediterranean-47c-alpine-and-carpathian-region-42c-scandinavia-and-the-uk-maybe-the-last-30c-mega-heatwave-starts-on-11-august-in-western-europe-and-ends-around-24-august-in-ea//.
Floods are coming only a year after historic floods in 2020 /https://mkweather.com/nile-river-with-the-highest-levels-in-over-100-years-since-records-began-threatens-ancient-pyramids/; https://mkweather.com/floods-in-africa-half-of-south-sudan-needs-humanitarian-assistance-sudan-with-south-sudan-15-million-affected-nigeria-40-dead-benin-30-dead-and-dr-congo-11-dead/ ;https://mkweather.com/almost-million-affected-and-124-dead-during-historic-nile-river-floods-in-sudan/ /.