Bratislava, Vienna, Brno, Gyor, Zagreb, Lviv, Vilnius, Riga, Tallin or Minsk burried under 20-50 cm of snow! Arctic winter until Christmas and after severe blizzards -25°C in European metropolitan areas?

Europe is after the first blizzards and the first severe frosts up to -22,0°C in 1000 MASL in continental Europe /blizzards:;; /severe frosts:;;;;; and -17,6°C on 4. December 2021 in Slovakia – the next Mkweather article/ and legendary early frosts in Scandinavia up to -37,5°C /
News mainly for Central Europe, Balkan, Eastern Europe, and the Baltic region is however very surprising, with the next severe blizzards and severe frosts, with a possibility of temperatures up to -25°C in some metropolitan areas of big cities in lowlands!
According to new GFS outputs, the Arctic winter is forecast in mentioned regions to continue minimally in the next 16 days, until 18. December 2021, and very probably until Christmas, while the long-term forecast is until 10. January 2022 only before a few days / forecast severe frosts during the Christmas time and New Year 2021-22.
According to these outputs, an extreme blizzard in Moravia, the western half of Slovakia, Austria, Slovenia, western Hungary, large parts of Poland, mountainous parts of Balkan, western Ukraine, Belarus, and Baltic countries is forecasted in many regions already in the second half of the next week, with a result of a strengthening of severe frosts.
Interesting are mainly amounts of snowfall, which should receive lowlands in Slovakia, Hungary, Austria, Czechia, Croatia, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, including metropolitan areas – very close to Bratislava, Vienna, Brno, Gyor, Zagreb, Lviv, Vilnius, Riga, Tallin or Minsk should temperatures near deep snow cover fall below -20°C, maybe rarely in wider metropolitan areas up to -25°C!
Snow cover should regional in lowlands reach anomalous 20-50 cm (!!!), but severe snowfall is forecasted across the Alps, the Carpathians and in the mountains in Balkan, or even, again in the mountains in Spain, Italy, Greece or Turkey.
Snow calamity should cause widespread problems on roads, highways, and railways, power outages, fallen trees, or many accidents, therefore, if you live in these regions, we recommend you to watch current weather news, forecasts, warnings, and advisories.
In the next articles, we will look at a Saturday cold morning in Europe and Christmas and New Year 2021 – 2022 forecasts for Europe and USA / Canada, such as the next extremely low temperatures measured in Canadian Arctic and an expected coldwave in Midwest and Northeast, the USA.

