In 2003, Italy was hit by extreme heatwaves with peak +46,0°C on 17. July. However, in many Italian stations, records from the year 2003 were on Tuesday, 22. June 2021 (or Monday, 21. June) already overcame!
After extreme Monday, 21. June 2021, with maximum temperature in Catenanuova +45,1°C and within database /SIAS – Precipitazioni in tempo reale ultima ora (regione.sicilia.it)/ up to +43,7°C has on Tuesday, 22. June 2021 arrived another anomalously hot day, with +44,5°C in Augusta, +43,7°C in Lentini or +42,8°C in Paternó, Sicily, or +42,1°C in Plati, +41,4°C in Torano Castello and +41,1°C in Bisignano, Calabria (continental Italy) /Giornata di fuoco in Calabria: superati i +42°C | Meteo in Calabria/.
About dangerous heatwave in Italy and large parts of Europe we have informed in the last articles /Hell is coming! Catenanuova, Italy: +45,1°C, Palermo +43,5°C – only 0,5°C below 2007 heatwave, the hottest will be on Wednesday and Thursday, close to +50°C! – mkweather; +52,4°C in Algeria! The first official European +50°C is possible! – mkweather; All-time national record for Greece? GFS sees a historical heatwave early next week! – mkweather; Sirocco for Central Europe? Hungary should attack +40°C on Thursday! – mkweather/.
Moreover, dangerous wildfires have appeared across Italy (and Balkan) /Incendi in Sicilia, il Sud nella morsa del caldo: allerta della Protezione civile nel palermitano (ilmessaggero.it)/.
Forecasts for Wednesday and Thursday, 23.-24. June 2021 are however uncompromising and there is a chance for very close temperatures to all-time Italian temperature record +48,5°C from Catenanuova, 10. August 1999.
Temperatures in Algeria in last days reached +52,4°C, while in Tunisia, almost all-time temperature record for June was overcame, with +48,7°C in Tozeur, only 0,5°C below record from 2003 /Extreme Temperatures Around The World (@extremetemps) / Twitter/.
While Wednesday and Thursday heatwave will be peaking in Italy, during early July 2021 is forecasted the next, maybe stronger round of heatwaves, currently with returned value on GFS outputs 1°C higher than during current heatwave (+44°C vs. +43°C). Reality should be 2-3°C higher and forecasts should change yet, into colder, but too warmer variants.
Meanwhile, all-time June record is reported on Tuesday, 22. June 2021 from Belarus (+35,7°C) and only 0,2°C was missing to reach all-time June national record in Finland (+33,6°C) /the next Mkweather article/. All-time June record for June was already reached in Sweden /Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! – mkweather/ and regional records were reached in Poland and Germany /+36,1°C in Slubice, Poland! Germany +36,9°C and 5 days above +35°C! – mkweather/.
After extreme heatwaves, severe storms are coming, with 10 cm hails, 140 km/h winds and EF2 tornadoes /10 cm hailstorms are shifting to Germany, CZ, CH, AU, DK, SE and N IT from France, PT, ES, BE, NL, LU! – mkweather; Belgium hit EF2 tornado with a twin: 17 injured, 92 buildings damaged – mkweather; 10 cm hails, 140 km/h winds, 10 tornadoes and 7 day forecast: Balance of weekend storms in Europe – mkweather/. According to the newest information, severe storms with the next flash floods have occurred in France and Switzerland, while severe storms with large hail, winds and heavy rain swept Poland, parts of Germany, Czechia, Slovakia and Alpine region on Monday and Tuesday, 21.-22. June 2021.
Meanwhile, in the UK after cold front, the coldest June temperatures in 30 years have appeared on Tuesday, 22. June 2021, up to -3,3°C in Scotland and -1,4°C in England /The coldest June times in the UK in 30 years! Scotland -3,3°C, England -1,4°C! Only 2,3°C from all-time June national record! – mkweather/.
It appears, that Europe is flooded into variety of weather extremes, therefore stay safe and watch current warnings, advisories, forecasts and news for better preparedness.

The 1st peak: 23. June 2021 /wetterzentrale.de:

The 2nd peak: 6. July 2021 /wetterzentrale.de: