Only in the last 2 articles, we informed about a historic snowfall in Xiamen, southern China (the first snowfall since 1893): https://mkweather.com/xiamen-china-the-first-snowing-since-1893-extremely-rare/ and extremely cold conditions in Southeastern Asia, including in snow in Vietnam and low temperatures in Laos, Thailand, Taiwan, and Hong Kong /https://mkweather.com/northern-vietnam-hit-snow-and-frosts-extremely-cold-in-thailand-laos-cambodia-hong-kong-and-taiwan-too//.
Extremely cold, although more humid air hit in the last days northeastern India, near the border with Myanmar, too, with a surprising “an-once-in-a-lifetime” snowfall event (mainly in lower elevated parts of the region).
The snow covered parts of Nagaland, India.
E.g. in the city of Phek Nagaland, 1524 MASL, several centimeters of deep snowfall have been created.
Snow was reported too from Aghunato, 1556 MASL.
In Zunheboto, 1852 MASL, or Pfutsero, 2133 MASL, even more snowfall fell in the last days.
According to watchers on Twitter, never ever had Pfutsero experience snowfall up to this magnitude.
The event is coming not so long after extremely low-elevated snowfall in Bhutan, Nepal, and northern India, only above 1000 MASL, in Buthan the first time since 1958, regionally /https://mkweather.com/historic-snow-in-bhutan-nepal-india-so-low-hasnt-snowed-for-more-than-64-years-1000-masl-the-first-snowfall-in-punahka-bhutan-winter-capital-1250-masl-since-1958/; https://mkweather.com/tibet-407c-northern-india-283c-myanmar-with-an-all-time-national-record-60c-bangladesh-61c//.
Simultaneously, Japan is fighting with record winter with extreme snowfall, with meters of snow, currently according to estimates more than 6 meters in some lower-elevated regions /https://mkweather.com/the-snowiest-winter-in-japan-in-history-560-cm-snowfall-in-charmant-hiuchi-sapporo-with-the-earliest-130cm-in-history-133-cm//.
Moreover, a below-average temperature pattern is predicted to persist above parts of India during Spring and Summer 2022, with a possibility of a very strong Monsoon 2022 season.
Spring and Summer 2022 forecast for Asia you will find here: https://mkweather.com/spring-2022-forecast-for-asia/; https://mkweather.com/summer-2022-forecast-for-asia/.

Snow in Nagaland. Source: himato zhimomi Twitter