In the last articles from a wider region, we were informed about extreme blizzards in East Asia and southern Siberia /https://mkweather.com/horokanai-japan-with-a-historic-93-cm-snowfall-heavy-blizzards-are-bothering-china-and-siberia-too/; https://mkweather.com/northeastern-china-hit-the-strongest-blizzard-in-116-years-in-taiwan-and-japan-still-summer// and a historic dust storm in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan /https://mkweather.com/uzbekistan-and-southern-kazakhstan-hit-the-worst-dust-storm-in-recorded-history//.
Now we should look at the next significant snowfall event in Central Asia – Nur Sultan, capital of Kazakhstan in the last days received extreme amounts of snowfall, which is normal to receive in all month of November.
28 cm snowfall in the city, which fell on 24.-25- November 2021, immediately has become a very interesting article for news around the world.
Usually dry winter in Kazakhstan, therefore, was too influenced by escaping moisture from the warm Arctic this year, although, the Arctic is practically the second coldest in 15 years /https://mkweather.com/arctic-sea-ice-extent-is-the-2nd-highest-in-15-years/; https://mkweather.com/20-vessels-stuck-and-ice-locked-in-northern-sea-route-the-arctic//.
Still enough moisture was escaping southward, thanks to negative AO / NAO phases, which have shifted a traditional stormtrack of cyclones southward.
After the snowfall, severe frosts are in the next weeks in the region, similarly such as in Europe, expected /https://mkweather.com/long-term-forecast-until-2-january-2022-extreme-arctic-winter-in-europe-until-new-year/; https://mkweather.com/extremely-cold-outlook-in-europe-arctic-air-masses-will-be-shifting-from-western-and-northern-to-eastern-and-southern-europe-gfs-ens-for-16-cities//.
In Zhaltyr, 312 MASL, -24,5°C was already measured on 26. November 2021 and temperatures will fall below -30°C, soon.
Extended Winter 2021/2022 forecast for continents of Northern Hemisphere you should find here: https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-2022-forecast-for-northern-hemisphere/.