France experienced in 2021 with cold and very wet summer and similar conditions were in England, Benelux or western Germany (disastrous floods) /https://mkweather.com/the-weakest-summer-in-paris-france-after-2000-the-hottest-day-of-the-year-with-only-333c/; https://mkweather.com/bad-year-for-vineyards-in-france-belgium-after-extreme-frosts-in-spring-2021-extremely-wet-summer-2021-harvest-the-worst-since-1977-july-the-wettest-since-1981/; https://mkweather.com/the-3rd-cloudiest-dullest-august-in-southern-england-in-history//.
However, the outlook for the next weeks (September – October 2021) promises a lot of sun and during several periods extremely high temperatures /https://mkweather.com/long-term-ecmwf-6-week-forecast-until-18-october-2021-europe-north-america-world/; https://mkweather.com/autumn-2021-forecast-for-europe-mostly-dry-and-frosty-autumn-be-prepared-for-early-severe-frosts//.
The hottest day of Autumn 2021 and regionally possibly of all year 2021 should be measured in western and southern parts of France already on Tuesday 7. September 2021, when +40°C for southwestern France is on outputs of GFS projected. On Monday 6. September it should be measured around +39°C.
Already Sunday was in Spain very hot – Moron de la Frontera reported +39,2°C and Toulouse, France enjoyed tropical +33,4°C.
Temperatures around +35°C should hit even cold Brittany and +30°C temperatures are forecasted in British Islands /https://mkweather.com/long-and-even-stronger-heatwave-for-europe-france-and-iberia-38c-italy-and-balkan-35c-continental-and-eastern-europe-from-30-to-34c-england-and-baltic-states-30c-scan//, while Central and Eastern Europe should enjoy soon hot +30/+34°C. +28°C is possible in Scandinavia and Italy and Balkan will enjoy holiday weather.
Temperature above +40°C are in France in September relatively anomalous and daily temperature records should be overcome.
Hot, tropical (above +30°C), or at least summer (above +25°C) weather should regenerate minimally until 20. September 2021 (although, temporarily ground frosts are possible in the next week in valleys and basins in the eastern half of the country), therefore after unfavorable Summer 2021, the last chances for summer activities are here.
For prolonged heatwaves, longer than was expected should be responsible only slowly moving ex-Hurricane Larry towards British Islands /https://mkweather.com/hurricane-larry-a-direct-impact-in-british-islands-a-predicted-possible-impact-from-portugal-to-greenland//.
The situation in France and other European countries we will be watching and in case of extremely high temperatures, we will inform on our homepage.

Source: wetterzentrale.de