After very cold mornings on Monday, 11. October, Wednesday, 13. October and Thursday, 14. October 2021 is coming the next freezing morning on Friday, 15. October 2021 /https://mkweather.com/czechia-102c-romania-69c-ukraine-59c-slovakia-55c-belarus-52c-lithuania-50c-the-first-severe-frosts-are-here/; https://mkweather.com/the-first-frosts-in-spain-reinosa-42c-and-france-ristolas-49c-new-daily-records-observed/; https://mkweather.com/the-first-severe-frosts-in-southern-europe-andalpine-region-france-switzerland-71c-slovenia-51c-spain-49c-austria-42c-germany-35c-croatia-29c-the//.
-10,2°C in Czechian frost valleys and -7,1°C in the Alps (Switzerland, France) around 1000 MASL were measured, so far.
On Friday, the strongest frosts have shifted eastward, above south-Central Europe, southern France, Italy, Balkan, and Ukraine, but below zero was in the Baltic region, the rest of Central Europe or still Spain or even the UK.
The coldest from the station within International Exchange Database was in Soroca, Moldova, -4,8°C.
Ivano-Farankivsk, Ukraine, reported -4,3°C (but Ukraine early this week already reported -5,9°C).
Fulophaza in Hungary surprised with -4,0°C and the same temperature was measured in Weitensfeld, Austria (the same city on Thursday -4,2°C).
Telgárt in Slovakia reported -3,5°C, Johvi in Estonia -2,9°C, Madona in Latvia -2,2°C, Ostroleka, Poland -1,2°C (much colder early this week) or Bobruisk, Belarus -0,5°C.
Oberstdorf in Germany reported -2,8°C (on Thursday -3,5°C), Gueret St. Laurent in France -2,5°C.
Ratece, Slovenia reported -2,2°C (Thursday -5,1°C), Daruvar, Croatia -2,1°C (Thursday in Gospic -2,9°C), Miercurea Ciuc, Romania -1,7°C (early this week -6,9°C), Sombor, Serbia -1,3°C, Lazaropole, North Macedonia -1,0°C.
In Cairnwell in the UK was observed -1,6°C.
Polyentes Casyc in Spain reported -0,7°C (-4,9°C in Spain on Thursday) before a beginning heatwave.
Stronger frosts, below -5,0°C should surprise at the weekend or early next week, yet, then a period of Indian summer is beginning, but still with a chance of temporary Arctic blasts from Scandinavia in Central Europe, Eastern Europe, the Baltic region, and NE Balkan /https://mkweather.com/extreme-frosts-in-norway-sweden-and-finland-are-confirming-30c-minimum-and-15c-maximum-temperatures-are-possible/; https://mkweather.com/truth-in-the-middle-indian-summer-should-be-interrupted-with-severe-frosts-mainly-in-the-alps-carpathians-and-bohemian-massif/; https://mkweather.com/the-last-12-october-2021-days-brings-temperatures-20-25c-in-continental-europe-in-3-waves/; https://mkweather.com/november-should-start-with-summer-weather-record-temperatures-25c-in-continental-europe-are-possible//.