Winter in South Africa is currently anomalously warm, with maximum temperatures up to +35°C in southern coast!
Moreover, extremely rarely, if ever seen supertropical nights has appeared in the country!
Stations Kleinmond and Betty’s Bay recorded minima over +25,0°C from 20. to 21. June 2021 near foehn winds.
Extremely hot synoptic situation in South Africa is coming after relatively strong coldwave with snowing and temperatures up to -11,3°C (in populated basins above 1000 MASL) in early Winter 2021 /Snow surprised South Africa, temperatures dropped to -11,3°C – mkweather/.
Meanwhile, Antarctica is extremely cold (up to -81,7°C in last period) /Antarctica is extremely cold, -80°C (+cold 30-day forecast), while World without global warming evidence – mkweather/ and already has brought strong coldwaves across other continents of Southern Hemisphere /Extreme winter in Argentina and Chile! Snowing in Cordoba the 1st time since 1975! Maquinchao -15,3°C, Balmaceda -13,3°C! – mkweather; Southern Argentina: more than 1 meter of snow, the biggest snowfall since 1990s! – mkweather; Historic winter 2021 in Australia: Sydney the coldest day in 122 years, powerful winterstorm from Tasmania to Queensland! – mkweather (note: updated information says about the coldest day in 37 years in Sydney); New Zealand: After -10,8°C a storm shock! – mkweather/.
South African winter heatwave appears such as the biggest seasonal warm anomaly across Southern Hemisphere, so far.
While in South Africa, warm Winter 2021 is forecasted /Summer (and Winter) 2021 forecast for Africa: Hot Sahara, floods in Sahel, drought in Congo and East Africa – mkweather/, in Australia, New Zealand or southern Argentina / southern Chile, colder or stormy weather should surprise /Winter 2021 forecast for South America: From snow to tropical rainfall – mkweather; Winter 2021 forecast for Australia: Still rainy and stormy thanks to La nina – mkweather/.

Source: meteologix.com