Extreme winter in Canada continues and southern Canada reports 22 broken...
Year: 2021
The coldest times since 25. December 2010! Only on Tuesday, 9....
The first peak of Siberian winter in January in Czechia -27,0°C...
After heavy snowfall /https://mkweather.com/2021/02/08/red-warnings-before-snow-calamity-in-germany-the-netherlands-czechia-and-poland-2021-mk-blizzard/; https://mkweather.com/2021/02/09/heavy-snowfall-has-shifted-into-france-england-and-benelux-regionally-the-worst-in-10-years-2021//, Germany reports promised extreme frosts from...
The newest predictions of ECMWF and GFS are still brutally cold,...
Not only Mkweather, but too weather experts from Germany expect, that...
Only in previous article we have informed about measured -16,7°C in...
Extreme winter blast in Europe is only beginning and the UK...
In Dolina di Campoulazzo (1700 MASL), northern Italy, temperature during next...
Heavy snowfall has shifted into France, England and Benelux, regionally the worst in 10 years

7 min read
In Benelux temperatures up to -25°C and snowfall rarely up to...
While media are now focused mainly on deadly glacier avalanche in...
Northern Canada -51,9°C, southern Canada -48,9°C, the USA -40,0°C! New all-time temperature records!

4 min read
Northern Canada -51,9°C, southern Canada -48,9°C, the USA -40,0°C! New all-time temperature records!
Anomalous winter blast in Canada nad the USA is bringing the...
Winter arrived into tropical Canarian Islands, too, with unique winter conditions...
February 8, 2021
In the last article we have mentioned, that southern half of...
February 8, 2021
Despite of the coldest planet for last 7 years and despite...
Before an arrival of possible historic, 100-year coldwave into Europe /https://mkweather.com/2021/02/07/40c-in-central-europe-after-100-years-shocking-outputs-gfs-are-brutally-cold//,...
Różanymstok, Poland already -26,1°C, but outputs 12°C warmer than expected 100-year winter

3 min read
It´s Sunday, 7. February 2021 and Siberian winter is starting to...
Forecasts have fullfilled and current Arctic blast in the USA and...
After Thursday´s, Friday´s and Saturday´s aggressive outputs of GFS and ECMWF,...
-37/-38°C for Central Europe from GFS again! Last outputs: -28°C in 850 hPa above Carpathians!

3 min read
February 7, 2021
Evening´s GFS outputs, from 18Z (Saturday, 6.2.2021) are very similar than...
Before a Siberian winter, southern parts of Europe this week have...
February 6, 2021
Perth Hills, northeastward from Perth, Australia hit serious wildfires and it...
Not only abnormally cold outputs of ECMWF /https://mkweather.com/2021/02/06/ecmwf-100-year-winter-38c-and-28c-in-850-hpa-over-carpathians-the-craziest-outputs-we-have-ever-seen-2021// and extremely low...
Night runs of ECMWF from 6. February 2021 were for Central...
Only in last articles we have informed about extreme Siberian /...
Arctic high pressure and long-term extreme frosts are expected until 17....
It´s Friday, the first, slight day of long-term Siberian blast and...
The most extreme outputs of a millennium! GFS returned freezing -30°C...
February 5, 2021
Extreme Siberian winter will persist in continental Europe between 5.-16. February...
Global temperature anomaly is currently near the lowest values for last...
February 4, 2021
Only in last article we have summarized impact of severe blizzard...
Last snowstorm in New York City with 17.3 inches / 43...
Extreme cold air from Siberia has shifted even to subequatorial parts...
February 3, 2021
The highest chances for temperatures in interval -25/-30°C are for Czechian...
Neither Siberia, neither Canada or Himalayas, but Greenland. The coldest place...
During last January 2021 days, before a current coldwave, Ukraine hit...
February 2, 2021
Only at the end of January, New Zealand reported extreme heatwave,...
February 2, 2021
Only a few days ago we have informed about 4 tropical...
February 2, 2021
During last days, huge part of a polar vortex was moving...
February 2, 2021
After historic heatwave in Patagonia /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/24/extreme-hailstorms-hit-argentina-patagonia-with-all-time-record-438c// and wildfires in Chile /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/24/chile-with-widespread-wildfires-chillan-6-days-with-34-36c//...
Deadly cold at the weekend! Windchill -70°F / -57°C in the USA and -90°F / -68°C in Central Canada!

2 min read
Forecasts for the weekend, 6.-7. February are for parts of the...
The newest outputs of GFS are in peak milder, but extremely...
Meanwhile we are focused on coldwaves in Europe, alarming situation is...
Zamoście -21,0°C, Lublin ground frosts -26,0°C and Bialystok 43 cm of snow: 2nd peak in Poland

2 min read
In Poland, the second peak on 1. February 2021 has brought...
About extreme frosts informed SHMU (Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute), too, with measured...
The second peak of Winter 2020/2021 has brought to some parts...
A vortex of cold air around the whole Northern Hemisphere! The worst winter for years is coming!

2 min read
We were thinking, if will make several articles about expected extreme...
Extreme winter fairytale, with overcoming of long-term temperature records in Northern...
Cold weather records of cold winter period with long duration, which...
Expectations of Sunday´s minimum temperatures have fullfilled and in Czechia, Kořenov,...
As we mentioned in previous articles /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/28/winter-should-be-strong-until-20-feburary-then-finally-early-spring/; https://mkweather.com/2021/01/29/the-ecmwf-sees-an-extreme-siberian-blast-between-8-15-february-2021//, severe winter conditions...
January 30, 2021
After Belo Horizonte and Sao Paulo /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/25/extreme-storms-and-floods-hit-belo-horizonte-sao-paulo-brazil//, extreme stroms with floods...
As was previously expected /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/24/tropical-activity-forecast-for-next-month-and-half-year-videos-ts-eloise-kimi-chalane-imogen-danilo//, Australian and Oceanian region hit increased...
Although in Northeast is expected after next severe blizzard serious coldwave...
After historic snowfall in the mountains (Mammoth Mountains 107 inches /...
After long-term rains in the south of Italy, Rota Greca (southward...
6-week forecast for Europe from ECMWF expect the coldest times between...
Already in the article about 11-year frosts in Shetland /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/29/shetland-83c-the-lowest-temperature-since-2010// we...
More than 1/2 runs expect in T850 hPa -15/-20°C (Central Europe), 06Z outputs were extremely cold

2 min read
Winter outlook for February remains favorable for possible extremely cold times...
Only in last series articles, Mkweather brought dramatic scenes from village...
Although the second peak of winter isn´t so extreme than the...
January 29, 2021
After F2 tornado in Alabama /https://mkweather.com/2021/01/28/2021s-first-killer-tornado-fultondale-alabama-f3// and the coldest afternoon from...
Only last days we have described cold winter conditions, which hit...
Short, but very intensive January heatwave hit southeastern coast of Spain,...
While Australia experiences with relatively colder and stormy summer, thanks to...
Not so far from Gulf Coast, in contact of cold air...
South Africa has its own “hurricanes” – cyclones, such Eloise should...
It´s Thursday, 28. January 2021 and forecasts for the first half...
Least this conclusions we should read from ensemble forecasts for Stockholm,...
After snowy weekend, 23.-24. January 2021, when part of polar vortex...
Siberian winter hit in full power in the most vulnerable places,...
Winter in mountainous Balkanian regions should be very surprising! Southward from...