Only in last days we have informed about all-time June records measured in many countries and metropolitan cities across Europe /Hungary: +40,0°C the first time in June! All-time June national record! | mkweather; Slovakia +38,0°C, only 0,2°C below all-time national June record! | mkweather; Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! | mkweather; Finland +33,6°C, 0,2°C below June all-time record, Tampere +33,2°C – the highest measured temperature in history! | mkweather; Estonia +35,2°C! National June record was destroyed! | mkweather; Belarus +37,1°C! Heatwave is historic | mkweather; Saharan air in Russia! +35,9°C in St. Petersburg and +34,8°C in Moscow! All-time June records! | mkweather; St. Petersburg with a supertropical night! Temperature didn´t drop below +25,0°C! | mkweather; +36,1°C in Slubice, Poland! Germany +36,9°C and 5 days above +35°C! | mkweather; +46,0°C in Caltagirone, Italy (!!!) Dangerous, anomalous and deadly heatwave is peaking! Even stronger heatwave next week! | mkweather/ and anomalously hot Sahara /Tunisia +47,9°C, only 0,4°C below all-time June record! | mkweather; +52,4°C in Algeria! The first official European +50°C is possible! | mkweather/. In Italy, temperatures reached +46°C and many national temperature records has fallen in Central Mediterranean, Balkan, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Baltic region and Scandinavia.
However, after heatwave, extremely strong storms with EF3 tornadoes, 10 cm hailstorms, 140 km/h winds and floods are shifting above Europe /Czechia hit EF3 tornado, 5 dead, 200 injured, 7 villages destroyed! If is something apocalyptic, so scenes captured from hit areas – it was the strongest tornado in Czechia in all-time history! | mkweather; Belgium hit EF2 tornado with a twin: 17 injured, 92 buildings damaged | mkweather; France: tornado ripped off a church bell | mkweather; 10 cm hailstorms are shifting to Germany, CZ, CH, AU, DK, SE and N IT from France, PT, ES, BE, NL, LU! | mkweather; Breaking! Trough Europe are shifting extreme storms! Floods, large hails, gusting winds and damaging lighting! | mkweather/.
After cold front, extreme cooldown is coming – from Scotland and England, severe summer frosts are reported /The coldest June times in the UK in 30 years! Scotland -3,3°C, England -1,4°C! Only 2,3°C from all-time June national record! | mkweather/.
The next national June temperature record in Europe was on Thursday, 24. June 2021 broken in Montenegro.
In Danilovgrad, +40,3°C was measured, what is 0,2°C higher temperature such as previous June record for the country.
In Podgorica, +40,2°C was measured. Extremely hot was in the city already on Wednesday, +39,7°C.
In neighboring Serbia, +39,9°C was measured, with a new all-time temperature record for Belgrade /the next Mkweather article/.
All-time June record was reached in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, too /the next article/.
In Hungary, the first time in history, +40,0°C was measured and in Slovakia, +38,0°C was only 0,2°C from all-time June record.
In North Macedonia, +41,1°C on Wednesday (Gevgelija) and +40,6°C on Thursday (Gevgelia) and +40,5°C on Thursday (Demir Kapija), was measured. +41,4°C (Gevgelija) is reported on Friday, at 14:00 and it´s possible, that Friday´s maximum national TOP in the country will reach +42/+43°C!
In Albania, +40,0°C was measured in Quiteti Stalin on Thursday, 24. June 2021.
Greece reports +41,0°C so far in Serrai (Thursday), but locally it should be up to +43°C and until the end of current week, +46°C, similarly such as in Italy, is possible.
Italy reports +46°C so, far, but in next week, all region including Italy, Balkan, SE Central Europe and Eastern Europe hits even more extreme heatwave and +47°C is according to Italian weather services possible /the next article/.
In Czechia, extreme EF3 – EF4 tornado event in southern Moravia, which caused 5 dead, 200 injuries and extensive damages /Czechia hit EF3 tornado, 5 dead, 200 injured, 7 villages destroyed! If is something apocalyptic, so scenes captured from hit areas – it was the strongest tornado in Czechia in all-time history! | mkweather/.
Severe storms should hit Balkan at the weekend, too, but then, the next extreme peak of heatwaves is prepared for last days of June 2021, with possibility of even higher temperatures.