Weekend storms brought in France, Benelux, Germany and Switzerland devastating parameters (severe storms in previous days were reported from the Spain, Portugal and British Islands, too).
In Swiss Alps, storms were accompanied by 140-150 km/h wind gusts, in lowlands northward it was “only” around 120-130 km/h.
Supercell storms brought in France 10 cm hailstorms, in Luxembourg 7 cm hailstorms, in Switzerland and Belgium 5 cm hailstorms.
In Belgium EF2 tornado occurred, and in France, the Spain and Belgium next 9 tornadoes have appeared during the outbreak (together 10 tornadoes).
Rainfall totals reached more than 100 mm in some parts of western Europe (Switzerland, Germany, France, Benelux). In Wijk aan Zee, the Netherlands, around 160 mm of rain has dropped from Friday to Sunday, 18.-20. June 2021.
During the next 7 days, cold front will be shifting eastward and southward, with significant effects in Central Europe, Scandinavia, Baltic region, Eastern Europe, Balkan and Italy.
On Monday, 21. June 2021, severe storms are forecasted for large region from France to Poland and Carpathians, but too across Balkan.
On Tuesday, 22. June, the strongest storms are possible in Alpine region, Poland and St. Petersburg region, Russia.
On Wednesday, 23. June, severe storms are forecasted for Poland, Baltic region, the Alps and still for Pyrenees or too for southern Ukraine, while in Balkan and southern Central Europe, such as in Italy will be regenerating tropical advection from Sahara.
On Thursday, 24. June, storm line will be very long, from France to Moscow region, Russia, while in Italy, Balkan and south-Central Europe will be peaking extreme heatwave. Severe storms are still forecasted for southern Ukraine, too.
On Friday, 25. June, storms are still forecasted from the Alps, including French Alps, into Moscow area, but more southward, including the Carpathian region.
On Saturday, 26. June, extremely strong storms should appear in Carpathian region, Ukraine and Russia.
On Sunday, 27. June, remnants of storms will appear over the Alps, Carpathians and Balkan, but still strong activity in Russia is possible.
Before severe storms in Europe, which hit at the weekend in full power, we have warned in series of last articles /10 cm hailstorms are shifting to Germany, CZ, CH, AU, DK, SE and N IT from France, PT, ES, BE, NL, LU! – mkweather; Belgium hit EF2 tornado with a twin: 17 injured, 92 buildings damaged – mkweather; Europe is preparing for the worst storms of the year: Hailstorms, gusting winds, heavy rains with flash floods, damaging lighting, rare tornadoes… – mkweather; Severe storms are shifting from FR, UK, ES, PT, NL, BE to GE, CH, AU, IT – mkweather; Ex-tropical storm Bill hits British Islands, brings storms and strong cooldown – mkweather; Warning! After heatwaves are coming violent storms! – mkweather; Severe storms hit Portugal and the Spain after the 2nd strongest June heatwave in southern France (+38,2°C so far) – mkweather/.
Before an arrival of extremely strong cold front, many temperature records have appeared above the continent /+52,4°C in Algeria! The first official European +50°C is possible! – mkweather; So extreme heatwave has never hit Europe! More than 20 European countries hits abnormal and deadly heatwave: Italy +50°C, Bosnia +46°C, Croatia, Hungary and Serbia +45°C, Slovakia, Austria +42°C! – mkweather; +36,1°C in Slubice, Poland! Germany +36,9°C and 5 days above +35°C! – mkweather; So hot has never been in June: +39°C in Hungary, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia or Serbia already on Thursday, 24.6.? – mkweather; Poland +35,8°C, Czechia +35,7°C, Slovakia +34,8°C, while Hungary +38°C and Austria +37°C are waiting – mkweather; All-time national records should be broken! Greece +50°C, Italy +49°C, Romania / Serbia +46°C, Croatia/Bosnia +44°C, Hungary +42°C! The 2nd heatwave for Europe prepared! – mkweather; Italy +40,5°C and will be even worse! Temperatures should stop near +50°C! – mkweather; Germany +36,2°C so far, the weekend will be hellish, up to +37/+38°C is possible – mkweather; Sweden: The hottest June day since 1947, +34,6°C! – mkweather; Severe storms hit Portugal and the Spain after the 2nd strongest June heatwave in southern France (+38,2°C so far) – mkweather; Germany +36,6°C (Berlin), Denmark +33,5°C, but extreme storms are coming – mkweather/ and many records are only expected until early July 2021.

Source: wxcharts.com