From southern parts of the USA, the most often hit by...
Year: 2021
British Islands colder than Eastern Europe: Why upcoming February coldwave should be strange

3 min read
Only in last series of articles, Mkweather announced the next possible...
Back to the interval -20/-25°C we will probably get already on...
Part of polar vortex above Europe is bringing lot of precipitation...
Last week, ensemble forecasts were still very cold to expect early...
The same cold front, on the front side of part of...
After series of summer floods in Brazil arrived into Belo Horizonte...
Despite of ongoing La nina, possie peak of Summer 2020/2021 hit...
Such as on seesaw! Forecast models again returned extremely cold outputs...
The second peak of Winter 2020/2021 is here, and even, third...
Before a few days, we have informed about temperatures up to...
In series of previous articles, we have investigated an extreme winter...
Really cold times not only in Northern, but too in Southern...
During last weeks, permanent tropical activity watch on Mkweather was limited...
Only in last article, Mkweather has informed about all-time temperature record...
January 24, 2021
After long Siberian winter blast in Europe, which was a main...
January 24, 2021
Forecast models are still relatively confused from upcoming weeks, however, 2...
Adriatic low in Poland and Slovakia should bring snow calamity and regionally 20-50 cm of snowfall

3 min read
After extreme Siberian winter, next part of polar vortex was shifting...
While Europe was during last week sink into Siberian winter, California,...
Extreme frosts were on Thursday morning reported from Izium, Ukraine (-28,9°C)...
Already in series of articles, Mkweather wrote abouut anomalous extreme Winter...
Due to big interest for long-term forecasts, Mkweather decided to publish...
January 19, 2021
Although is not fully known, how powerful will be the second...
In lower situated basins and valleys in Balkan, temperatures was reaching...
The coldest morning in Poland surprised on Tuesday, 19. January 2021!...
January 18, 2021
Only at previous night, temperatures have dropped in northeastern Poland into...
Extreme winter hit “warm” Hungary, too and on Monday, 18. January...
Possible peak of Winter 2020/2021 in Slovakia brought temperatures up to...
Extreme temperatures hit not only Central Europe, Baltic region, Eastern Europe...
Siberia with the 3rd strongest coldwave since 2000! Delyankir -58,1°C, Verkhoyansk -57,8°C

4 min read
In late December 2020, minimum temperatures in Oymyakon reached -57,5°C and...
Orlické Záhoří is situated in Divoké Orlice basin on borders Czechia...
It´s the first time since 2010, when temperatures in lowlands in...
January 18, 2021
Because of enormous interest of visitors of Mkweather, we have started...
Big comeback of cruel winter (-30°C) around 1. February 2021?! The second peak is confirming!

3 min read
After extraordinary watch of declining temperatures in Poland, Baltic states, Belarus,...
The coldest 17. January since the Second World War! This is...
At 17:00, temperature in Suwalki already dropped into -21,6°C! Previous night,...
Belarus with extreme strong frosts up to -28,7°C, Lithuania up to...
Poland: the coldest night since 2012 is here! After -27°C on Sunday, below -30°C on Monday expected!

4 min read
Poland: the coldest night since 2012 is here! After -27°C on Sunday, below -30°C on Monday expected!
January 17, 2021
Extreme Siberian forecasts came true! Poland hit already on Sunday, 17....
The newest ECMWF forecast for next 42 days – until 1....
Extreme Siberian winter bother all Europe, including Finland. Country is sinked...
Winter weather has arrived into western parts of Europe again and...
It was investigated in many researches, that many diseases correlate with...
On Monday, 11. January 2021, Samedan, Switzerland (1711 MASL) reported -29,2°C...
Belarus and Baltic region have survived extremely cold night, with the...
Deadly snowstorm in Japan: 13 dead, 250 injuried, all-time snow records in many stations overcame

3 min read
Japan under the snow, with new all-time snow records, and unfortunately,...
Although Germany hasn´t reported so extremely frosts such some othern parts...
Portal has informed about unusual frosts in southwestern Saudi Arabia...
Extremely cold air is already on the borders of Central Europe...
Only on Monday, 11. January 2021, in Chania in Créte, Greece,...
Siberian high directly above Central Europe! Although around Saturday, low pressure...
It appears, that Poland will be one of the most hit...
January 14, 2021
Although, sources associated with 30-year frosts in Kashmir, India are little...
Extreme frosts across Northern Hemisphere are coming thanks to extremely anomalous Major...
Extreme winter from Yakutsk to Ural! Forecasts for the end of...
Swedish media have informed, that parts of the coutnry reports record...
Mega-Major SSW in the Winter 2020/2021 continues and around mid-latitudes is...
Anomalous jet-stream is not linked only with abnormal coldwaves across Northern...
+ Snow and frosts in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, India...
British Islands and Benelux with strong Siberian blast /-20°C/? The second peak should surprise

3 min read
Last runs of GFS from 18Z were aggressively cold not only...
Snow calamity in parts of Europe still very possible, the worst it will be in these regions

3 min read
After 50-year snowstorm in the Spain / and snow calamity in...
The most reliable, last runs GFS from 18Z have surprised again...
Pool of extremely cold air over northeastern Europe, with significant and...
Siberian coldwave already brought a series of record cold weather into...
Siberian winter in the Spain continues! After all-time temperature record, -34,1°C...
Pressure low system from northwest is bringing to Europe not only...