Extremely warm March weather was reported from eastern USA and Canada...
Year: 2021
March 14, 2021
Only before a few days, the earliest +40°C in history was...
In Mongolia has never been so warm in mid-March season, such...
March 13, 2021
Despite of extpcted cold and wet Autumn 2021 in southern African...
Only a few days after severe blizzard was reported from South...
At the start of autumn, severe persisting heatwaves with extensive wildfires...
Last coldwave in Europe hasn´t brought only extremely low temperatures /https://mkweather.com/southern-finland-389c-the-coldest-national-minimum-temperature-in-march-since-1998/;...
While northern part of Southeastern Asia bothers unseasonably strong drouhgt, with...
Only in last weeks we have informed about severe floods, which...
This is only preliminary forecast for Summer 2021 and Mkweater will...
Although runs of GFS model from Thursday, 11. March 2021, were...
136 European stations from International Exchange Database with winds 100 – 162 km/h on Thursday

5 min read
European windstorm is already here and from metropolitan areas, the worst...
Extreme storms in Midwest, the first spring “heatwave” in East and...
More than 70% of La nina years is associated with Major...
Before an extreme low pressure system, which is bringing severe T-storms...
The worst is situation in Maui region, where is reported the...
Only a few day ago we wrote about cyclone Niran, which...
Season of drought in Southeastern Asia is this year very strong....
The first March 2021 coldwave is ending in Europe with extremely...
In March 2021, weather in the USA will be fulfilling La...
Extreme Siberian winter surprised Europe on 10. March 2021! While from...
If you live in western Europe be careful! Powerful coldwave in...
Although mainly higher cities such as Dubai or Abu Dhabi suffer...
About extreme temperatures in Oceania has informed account Extreme Temperatures Around...
While during the second March 2021 decade, temperature fluctuations ae still...
From +18°C in France, Netherlands, Belgium and Germany to -15°C in...
Extreme air, which bothered Europe in February 2021 has shifted above...
Regional snowstorm hit at the weekend and early this week Baltic...
In central Russia, all-time March temperature records wer during last days...
Only in last 2 articles, we have informed about anomalously cold...
Although, very strong La nina phase caused during last months return...
Only at the beginning of March 2021, the next coldwave with...
Currently, remnants of cold air are still present in Northeast, but...
More than 100 mm of rain fell in Tetouan, northern Morocco...
Not so long since Cyclone Guambe event in eastern South Africa...
Rain season is slowly moving to the north, but severe stroms...
It has appeared, that after powerful coldwave between 5.-10. March /https://mkweather.com/strong-coldwave-with-snowing-hits-parts-of-europe-between-5-10-march//,...
Only in one of the last articles we have informed about...
Already at the weekend is starting powerful coldwave, which in southern...
Extreme coldwave, which was persisting over Texas and southern parts of...
March 3, 2021
Powerful cold front is a reason of more extreme events across...
2 powerful cyclones are active in Ausralian region, but only one...
In Southern Hemisphere is cyclone season in full swing and in...
March 2, 2021
Immediately after European, Asian and partly North American warm spells during...
Alternating of NAO+ phase and blocking pattern during the first half...
Promised return of very cold winter will be realized already at...
Snowstorms hit large parts of Russia and Canada, Far East and western Canada expect cold Spring 2021

4 min read
Snowstorms hit large parts of Russia and Canada, Far East and western Canada expect cold Spring 2021
During the first two February 2021 decades, extreme coldwaves hit mainly...
The highest snowfall in history is reported from parts of Hokkaido,...
The coldest summer since 2012 and the wettest times since 2017!...
Powerful cyclone with cold front were shifting across eastern half of...
In Pakistan has come hot spring very early, +38,3°C in February (new all-time monthly record)!

3 min read
Pakistan and India reported extremely hot winter weather during last February...
Although in Southern Hemisphere was in last days still summer, temperatures...
Europe: Region with historic Siberian blast was hit by extremely warm spring weather the most

3 min read
On Twitter we have found interesting plots, summarizing a strenght of...
Anomalously high temperatures were reached at the end of Winter 2020/2021...
After weekend with technical problems we are back with the first...
February 25, 2021
From extreme to extreme! After historic Siberian coldwave in February 2021...
Winter heatwave hit Croatia (+26,4°C), Slovenia (+25,3°C) and northeastern Italy (+25,2°C)!

3 min read
Summer days in the winter! This is reality these days in...
Colder northern and eastern and warmer southern and western coutnries of...
While in last summer (2019/2020), record high temperature, +18,3°C / 64.9°F...
Temperatures up to -30°F / -35°C are possible during the first...
Cold summer in Australia: The first all-time temperature record: Bundaberg, Queensland, +38,6°C

3 min read
February 24, 2021
Australia is experiencing with colder and humid La nina (and wet...
Last week gradually wildfires have spread from southern to northern parts...
February 24, 2021
While continental Europe is enjoying a “winter heatwave”, with possible temperatures...
Summer in the winter in Slovakia! Forecast model expects +25°C for Modra and Malé Karpaty region

2 min read
February 24, 2021
An unprecedented event for Central Europe! The newest forecasts of models...
Subtropical and tropical climate zones in Africa and Middle East reported...
Summer 2020/2021 in South America is ending and season of rain...
February 23, 2021
Behind current shift Azores high above continental Europe is short, but...
A big return of Siberian winter between 5.-10. March 2021? Something very cold is possible!

2 min read
A big return of Siberian winter between 5.-10. March 2021? Such...
Early spring in Europe! In Spain, France and Alpine region already...
Extreme winter in Eastern Europe! -50°C after long-term warnings of possible...
February 22, 2021
GFS outputs for March 2021 coldwave are more freezing than previous,...
Large temperature contrast between Germany and European Russia! While Kanevka, near...