Only before a few days we informed about the worst sandstorm in Beijing, China, in 10 years /https://mkweather.com/beijing-hit-the-most-hazardous-sandstorm-in-10-years//.
This sandstorm arrived above eastern China from continental parts of Asia, where its effects were devastating, too.
In parts of Gobi desert, Mongolia, air pollustion was so hazardous, that offices reported after sandstorm 341 missing people.
9 people according to the newest information have died.
The most hit province, Dundgovi (Mongolian “The Middle Gobi”), with total population only around 47 000 and capital Mandalgovi, with strongly desert climate, experienced with sand hell early this week. Province is situated only around 250 km southward from Ulanbaatar.
Visibility and air quallity were dropped to minimum and conditions between sand dunes were even worse than in Beijing.
Population of the region is mostly agricultural and many shepherds were outside during extremely warm spring period, which was ended by a superstorm.
Before a sandstrom, extreme temperatures up to +22,4°C were measured in Mongolia in Manlai. Maximum temepratures such this hasn´t been never in Mongolia measured so early.
Only before a few weeks, temperatures in Mongolia reached up to -50°C, during extreme February North-Hemispheric coldwaves.