Only before a few days, the earliest +40°C in history was measured in United Arab Emirates (+41,3°C on 5. March 2021: https://mkweather.com/united-arab-emirates-411c-hot-spring-has-come-very-early/) and on Friday and Saturday, 12.-13. March 2021, the next “the earliest +40°C” were observed in Oman and Qatar.
The hottest in United Arab Emirates was in Al Tawi station on 5. March 2021, with maximum temperature +41,1°C.
In Muscat, capital of Oman, +40,3°C was measured on Saturday, 13. March, what is the earliest +40°C in history together with an year 2003.
Above +40°C reported on Friday, 12. March, 4 stations from Qatar and it was too the earliest +40°C in all-time history of measurements in the country.
Extremely hot weather has been alterned by sandstorms, fogs and cold air from northwest already and hot air has shifted above parts of Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India.
According to Mkweather Spring 2021 forecast for Asia, Middle East and Central Asia expect very warm (hot) season /https://mkweather.com/spring-2021-forecast-for-asia-2021//.
Heatwaves and warm spells therefore will be in this region returning and firstly, they should hit partly Eastern Mediterranean, later (in late spring) Eastern Europe, too.
According Mkweather first Summer 2021 outlook, eastern and southern parts of Europe should hit longer periods of heatwaves such as northern and western Europe /https://mkweather.com/first-forecast-for-summer-2021-in-europe-la-nina-and-nao-hot-summer-is-probable//, partly thanks to very hot African and Asian continents.

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