After last year, which brought in Patagonia the cruelest winter in last 20 years /https://mkweather.com/patagonia-with-one-of-the-cruelest-winter-for-last-20-years//, winter season 2021 is beginning very early, too.
Already around 10. May, central Argentina – Maquinchao, Patagonia, 888 MASL reports extremely strong frosts, on Tuesday, 11. May only -11,5°C, what is only 6,8°C warmer than all-time record measured in late May.
Severe frosts and ground frosts spreads into northern Argentina, including neighboring regions of Buenos Aires.
Very cold weather has persisted in region since 4. May 2021. Last 9 days, every day brought to Maquinchao frosts, 6 of them with minimum temperature -8/-12°C.
Daily temperatures during the coldest sunny days aren´t reach more than +10°C.
According to Winter 2021 forecasts for Argentina and Chile, Chilean Patagonia should expect snowy conditions in the next winter, while in Argentina should persist cold and dry conditions, thanks to La nina /https://mkweather.com/winter-2021-forecast-for-south-america-from-snow-to-tropical-rainfall/; https://mkweather.com/global-temperatures-dramatically-went-down-the-sharpest-jump-since-1990s-la-nina//.
While South Africa, Australia and New Zealand already reported the first snowing of the season /https://mkweather.com/the-first-snow-in-south-africa/; https://mkweather.com/after-tropical-days-a-big-antarctic-blast-the-first-snow-in-australia-first-snowing// and snow has appeared in last days, too, South America is for its first significant snowfall only waiting.
Decisive for Winter in Southern Hemisphere will be effects of La nina with combination of periods with negative phase of AAO (Antarctic Oscillation), which should bring bigger winter storms in the region.
Maybe cold air will shift into Brazil and even Colombia, such as in last winter, temporarily /https://mkweather.com/brasil-is-waiting-a-historic-coldwave-temperatures-will-drop-30c-below-average-around-20-august-2020/; https://mkweather.com/antarctic-air-has-crossed-the-equator-in-southern-colombia-temperatures-dropped-from-36c-97f-to-14c-57f//.