Very close to all-time May records was on Monday, 3. May 2021 Elseborn in Belgium, 564 MASL, where only -5,2°C was measured.
All-time temperature record for Belgium for May, -6,4°C was measured in 1941.
In last days, we have informed about all-time monthly temperature records in France, Germany and the Spain /https://mkweather.com/france-extreme-frosts-are-back-monthly-may-temperature-records-overcame/; https://mkweather.com/germany-monthly-records-for-may/; https://mkweather.com/frosts-ground-frosts-and-monthly-records-in-the-spain-northwestern-spain-30c-andalusia-46c//.
Extremely cold weather in early May 2021 is only continuing of extreme April 2021 in Europe /https://mkweather.com/cet-record-1880-2021-april-2021-coldest-in-142-years/; https://mkweather.com/confirmed-coldest-april-in-the-uk-since-1922-late-frosts/; https://mkweather.com/england-april-is-colder-as-march-the-coldest-since-1922/; https://mkweather.com/the-uk-with-frostiest-april-in-history-some-stations-report-24-frost-days/; https://mkweather.com/germany-suffers-the-coldest-april-since-1917-extreme/; https://mkweather.com/france-the-coldest-mid-spring-in-all-time-history/; https://mkweather.com/coldest-april-in-the-netherlands-in-30-50-years-in-belgium-in-35-years// and only a part of the longer period with cold conditions on the Earth /https://mkweather.com/global-temperatures-dramatically-went-down-the-sharpest-jump-since-1990s-la-nina//.
Very cold weather was on Monday reported from other parts of Belgium, too, e.g. in Mont Rigi was measured -3,5°C, in Buzenol -3,2°C, in Diepenbeek -2,3°C, in Humain -1,9°C, in Retie -1,0°C, in Spa and St. Hubert -0,6°C or in Kleine Brogel -0,5°C.
Very cold morning was reported from Charleville, France, the capital of Ardennes department, too, only -4,3°C.
Shap, northern England at the same time reported freezing -5,8°C.
-3,0°C was measured in northwestern Spain and -3,6°C in Germany /links above/.
In the Netherlands, Ell Aws reported -2,0°C, Deelen -1,2°C, Eindhoven -0,6°Cor Volkel -0,3°C.
Extremely cold start of May is coming after the coldest April in region in 30-35, regionally up to 50 years /https://mkweather.com/coldest-april-in-the-netherlands-in-30-50-years-in-belgium-in-35-years//.
According to current forecasts, very short heatwave is expected to hit Benelux around Sunday, 9. May 2021, with possible maximum temperatures up to +28°C.
In Central Europe, heatwave will be even stronger, with possible temperatures rarely up to +33°C /https://mkweather.com/33c-in-central-europe-heatwave-between-8-12-may-will-be-strong// (forecasted values weren´t changed).
Then, until 20. May, isn´t fully known, if summer temperatures above +25°C appear in Benelux and frosts or ground frosts should return.
All part of northwestern Europe should moreover experience with relatively colder Summer 2021, in comparison with the rest of Europe /https://mkweather.com/summer-2021-forecast-for-europe-hot-and-dry-pattern-as-leading-heatwaves-drought//.