An extreme heatwave hit at the end of July and at...
Writer about weather since 2007. The goal of this project is to inform a wide audience about extremes of weather, atmospheric circulation, and climate change around the world. If you like our work, you can support us on Patreon or donate.
August 1, 2021
Rescue services are currently intervening on Cintorínska Street in Detva, where...
Some people in Brazil saw the snow for the first time...
July 31, 2021
Instead of wintertime, with frosts, heavy rains, fogs, or snowing, continental...
July 28, 2021
A peak of Summer 2021 in Europe is here and meteorological...
July 28, 2021
Extremely hot weather hit in the last days Greenland, where along...
July 28, 2021
An extreme heatwave is reported at the end of July 2021...
North Korea +39,2°C, the coldest city in Japan +36,2°C, Olympic Games in an extremely hot atmosphere

2 min read
North Korea +39,2°C, the coldest city in Japan +36,2°C, Olympic Games in an extremely hot atmosphere
July 28, 2021
Already in the last articles, we informed about the situation in...
Cold weather in Europe until 20. August! Cold anomaly will flood large parts of the continent!

2 min read
July 27, 2021
Only in Italy, Balkan and Russia, heatwaves will be regenerating. Large...
July 27, 2021
According to the newest outputs of ECMWF from 26. July 2021,...
Ice age between years 2095 and 3500? The next grand solar minimum series is starting soon

2 min read
July 27, 2021
The worst in a closer future should come according to professionals...
Not so far we informed about severe floods in Sochi, Russia...
Only in one of the last articles we wrote about severe...
July 26, 2021
About extremely high temperatures across continental Asia informed / The most...
UAE created artificial rains, while across the wider region of the Middle East, 46 dead near floods

3 min read
July 26, 2021
Only in the last article from the Middle East, we described...
July 26, 2021
East Asia is currently very busy in relation to severe weather....
Regional weather conditions in the USA are a topic of Accuweather...
July 26, 2021
Severe storms are forecasted to bother parts of Central Europe, southern...
Heavy snowfall is reported from Hotham Alpine Resort with a base...
The 3rd level before storms from ESTOFEX for Europe a month after a deadly tornado in Czechia!

1 min read
July 25, 2021
Heatwaves above S/SE/E Europe / and cold air above western Europe...
July 25, 2021
The last ECMWF 6-week forecast for Europe saw a cold first...
July 25, 2021
While Italy, Balkan, SE Central Europe, and Ukraine will in the...
The next extreme heatwave for southern, southeastern, and eastern Europe is...
July 24, 2021
The next summer heatwave hit in the last days Iberia and...
July 24, 2021
The next possible tropical storm – Fred is developing only tightly...
Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah with flash floods, Phoenix the coldest July day since 1964

5 min read
July 24, 2021
Southwestern USA reports a continuing flood situation with flash floods in...
July 24, 2021
After extremely cold reports from Namibia, Botswana, and South Africa severe...
July 24, 2021
Very big differences between northern and southern Australia are bringing hot...
July 24, 2021
The next flood event in a row occurred in Central America....
The next 12 dead is reported from Central Asia thanks to...
July 24, 2021
The last week, a Nigerian capital, Lagos, was heavily flooded by...
Severe storms and floods shifted from Germany and Central Europe to Ukraine and Romania, 3 dead

3 min read
July 23, 2021
Deadly flooding period in Europe had a continue – after devastation...
July 23, 2021
While Spain, Portugal, and France were hit in the last days...
July 23, 2021
Not only Turkey /, but too Tbilisi, Georgia, reported in the...
July 23, 2021
3 dangerous typhoons have threatened / will threaten the region of...
July 23, 2021
Powerful monsoon rains hit in the last period in northern India,...
July 22, 2021
Extreme coldwave in South Africa is peaking and after -10,0°C in...
July 22, 2021
Exceptional amounts of rain in the West Coast of NewZealand brought...
July 22, 2021
According to the Bureau of Meteorology, Queensland, severe frosts hit subtropical...
The second coldwave in Winter 2021 in South America is very...
Silver iodide and ´fake clouds´ from military planes such as the main hope for Siberian wildfires?

5 min read
July 21, 2021
Russia’s coldest region (Yakutsk region) lost 2,5 million hectares of forests...
July 21, 2021
There is available the next ECMWF 6-week temperature forecast for Europe...
Extremely hot air with Saharan origin in Iceland and British Islands!...
An untraditional weather pattern, associated with low pressure above western Sahara...
Hot air from Europe together with extremely hot air masses above...
July 20, 2021
Regenerating heat dome is forecasted for the northwestern USA and neighboring...
July 20, 2021
Events of summer lightning within the Arctic Circle have tripled since...
July 20, 2021
Waterspout outbreak has appeared in Poland along the Baltic coast (Gdansk,...
After disastrous floods, the sunny, dry, and hot week has already...
July 19, 2021
It´s not the end! Round of floods in Europe at the...
July 19, 2021
After the natural disaster in Germany, a wave of criticism of...
July 17, 2021
Extremely hot weather is persisting in northern Africa and air masses...
July 17, 2021
An untraditionally strong EF2 tornado hit on Thursday, 15. July 2021...
July 17, 2021
Rainfall up to 3 inches / 75 mm from southwestern monsoon...
Floods and mudslides hit after a period of extremely hot weather...
July 17, 2021
After the worst floods in 20 years in Europe in Germany...
July 17, 2021
Hot and dry massed above northern Europe hit already British Islands...
July 17, 2021
During extreme floods in western continental Europe and round of storms...
July 17, 2021
It´s Saturday, 17. July 2021, 3 days after an extreme rainfall...
July 17, 2021
Summer 2021 is in its halfway and we should look at...
July 16, 2021
There are available the next ECMWF 6-week outputs of expected temperature...
July 16, 2021
In mid-July 2021, tropical depression 98 L Invest is shifting near...
July 16, 2021
Only on Thursday we informed about a natural disaster in Germany...
July 15, 2021
Before anomalous Antarctic blast in African countries, we have warned a...
While western parts of continental Europe, mainly Germany, suffer catastrophic and...
If wasn´t the year 2010, Finland would have experienced the worst heatwave in 50 years! +34,0°C

2 min read
July 15, 2021
The temperature on Wednesday, 14. July 2021 in Hyvinkää, Finland reached...
July 15, 2021
Reality is much worse than forecasts: western Germany and Belgium hit...
July 15, 2021
After a historic heatwave, when +54,4°C /130°F was measured in Death...
July 15, 2021
Not only Europe /see our homepage/ or Philadelphia /, but too...
July 15, 2021
Severe storms suffer not only Europe /visit our homepage/, but too...
July 14, 2021
Many parts of Europe reported in last days severe storms, with...
July 14, 2021
Severe storms with floods hit in last days not only Germany,...